EMBSAY and Eastby Scout Group is building on its success by launching the first scout troop in the village for 30 years.

Leaders of the 1st Embsay and Eastby Scout Group say they are delighted with the success of the group and its work with 65 young people and is looking ahead to more success with the scout troop, the first in the village since the early 1990s.

Laura Sobala, lead volunteer for the group, said, “I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved in just under two years. We started as a new group with only three volunteers, and now offer scouting experiences to 65 young people - and we’re still growing. Opening our scout troop for children aged 10 to 14 years old is a real milestone. It’s fantastic for the community, allowing young people growing up in this rural area access to a wide range of skills and experiences.”

Laura is keen to emphasise that the group is so successful due to the amazing team of volunteers, almost all of who were new to scouting, but who she says have thrown themselves wholeheartedly into the challenge of learning new skills to pass on to the young people.

Scout leader Heather Best said: “I love being a scout leader, because it allows me to pass on everything I’ve learned to a new bunch of young people. Personally I love getting involved in all the activities – it’s great fun and really rewarding to see them growing in confidence and making new friends.”

The group says it is looking forward to bringing fun, adventure and life skills to young people in the area.

Due to the hard work and support of the volunteers, the new scout troop has already been able to learn first aid skills, plan and cook its own meals outdoors on trangias and complete a night hike, with camping and an international scout jamboree all coming up in the diary.

One of the scouts, Ned, added, “It’s an opportunity to go on adventures and break away from the normal routine, and I like that earning badges will challenge me to learn new things.”

Do you have previous experience in Scouting? Maybe you were involved in the group back in the 90s? Are you interested in getting involved? Laura would love to hear from you at gsl@1stembsayandeastby.org.uk.

The scout troop meets on Thursdays from 7.15-8.45pm at the Embsay Methodist Hall. You can find out more about the group and how to volunteer at 1stembsayandeastby.org.uk.