WEST Craven councillors will be given the opportunity to comment on a major application for housing planned for Earby next week.

The scheme by Dalesview Developments Ltd is seeking permission for more than 60 new homes on land to the east of Colne Road, Earby.

Full planning permission is being sought for 39 properties on the northern part of the site, which is between Park Side and Brookfield Way and is currently used for agriculture. A separate outline application, for access only, is being sought for s further 31 dwellings to the southern end of the site.

Because the application is for more than 60 properties, it will be decided by Pendle Council's Development Management Committee. Comments from the West Craven Committee will be reported to the Development Management Committee when it meets to make a decision.

Kelbrook and Sough Parish Council has objected to the plans, commenting that the plan contravenes the neighbourhood plan in 'several areas' including that it would remove a 'key green space' providing a break between built-up areas.

The meeting of the West Craven Committee is due to take place at Salterforth Village Hall, Salterforth, at 6.45pm on Tuesday, June 4.