
Quaker Services: Quakers in Airton have regular quiet meetings for worship every Sunday at 2pm in the ancient Quaker Meeting House by the Green on Calton Lane. Worship lasts for an hour. All are welcome. Refreshments in the Barn follow each meeting. Drop-in art and craft sessions are held every Thursday, from 10am to 2pm, and everyone is welcome, whatever their level of creative ability, to come and learn, create, connect with others, and try out something new. The Meeting House is open every day of the week for those who need a place of refreshment and peace in the midst of a turbulent world. There is also bunk barn accommodation for up to 12 people, and meeting space may be hired. For more information, please email or call 01729 900018.


Church News: Sunday June 2 – Austwick (TBC) Holy Communion 9.30am; Eldroth Holy Communion 9.30am; Clapham Holy Communion 11am; Newby Easy Church 6.30pm. Sunday, June 2, tea and cakes in Austwick Church, 2pm-4pm.

Events and meetings: Austwick Street Market, Cuckoo Festival and Fell Race. A very sincere thank you to all who participated and supported this annual village event. Details of the monies raised will be posted on the village website, at the village shop and parish hall notice board.

Austwick Parish Newsletter: May-August 2024 has now been published on the village website and circulated to residents. Please note information for the next edition should be submitted by August 15.

Austwick WI: Rowena Lee is speaking about life in service in 21st century. June 13, 7.30pm, Austwick Parish Hall, new members always welcome.

Barnoldswick and Bracewell

Church news: Thursday, May 30, 10.30am, Holy Trinity, Thanksgiving for Holy Communion; Friday, May 31, 10.30am-11.45am, Holy Trinity, Bible Discussion Group. Sunday, June 2, 10.30 am, All Age Service of Holy Communion at Holy Trinity Church, Barnoldswick. All are welcome. Saturday singing group will be taking a break from June.

Bellringing: St Mary Le Ghyll, Barnoldswick, holds bellringing practice on Tuesday evenings at 7pm-9pm. Every Tuesday of the month we ring at Whalley Church. We now have eight bells. If you wish to learn please come along or email Stuart at for more information. New Bellringers are always wanted, Age ten upwards with free training. All welcome, any or no faith.

Ghyll Coach House: The Coach House at Ghyll Church, Barnoldswick, is now open for coffee, tea and cakes on Saturdays and Sundays until end of September. Please come along and support our parish fundraising effort. Delicious homemade cakes.

Upcoming events: Annual dog show, Saturday, June 1, at Ghyll Church. This is the second after last year’s successful turn out. There will be classes for all ages, Entries from midday, judging from 1pm. Kind note: Please keep dogs on lead at all times and be prepared to clean up after them. Tell your friends, tell your dogs’ friends.

Ukranian Choir: The Ukranian Choir SVITOC will be performing at Holy Trinity church, Barnoldswick, on June 9 at 3pm. Tickets £10, to include refreshments. If interested, please be in touch to reserve a seat. Tell your friends. They have performed all over the world, including the Carnegie Hall, and will be well worth hearing. Doors open at 2.15pm.

Bolton Abbey

Charity concert: In aid of Marie Curie, Friday, June 7, at 7.30pm at Bolton Priory. Collaboration of voice and piano A Celebration of English Music. Margaret Bruce, pianist and soloist Rowena Thornton. Tickets, priced £15, include a glass of wine or a soft drink and are available via the Priory website, the Bolton Priory Facebook page or at the door on the night.

Bradleys Both

Bradley Gardening Club: Thursday, June 6, at 7.30pm, at Bradley Village Hall. We welcome Yorkshire Pelargonium and Geranium Society to talk about pelargoniums. Refreshments, raffle and plant sale. All most welcome. Contact info@bradleyin Bradleys Both Open Gardens on Saturday, June 29, from noon to 5pm. Twelve private gardens open with Bradleys Both County Primary School’s garden, Bradley Community Garden and Sweet Croft Orchard. Refreshments at Bradley Methodist Church and ice cream at Bradley canalside. Admission passports £5 on sale in advance at Bradley Village Store from end of May and on the day, at Bradley Village Hall. Accompanied children free. Proceeds to Bradley In Bloom’s ongoing work and Bradley Methodist Church Accessibility Fund. Contact 07769 642659 or Carleton Music: Local country singer songwriter Chris Raddings is back at the Iron Horse CMC at Carleton Social Club on June 8. A very popular artist Chris is sure to give us another polished performance. Tickets are £7 and available on the door which opens at 7.15pm.

Coniston Cold and Bell Busk

St Peter’s Church Coniston Cold: On Sunday, June 2, there is a service of Compline Evensong at 4pm at St Peter’s to which all are welcome. This is a lovely reflective service which includes readings, prayers, hymns, and a short sermon. St Peter’s Church services are normally at 9.30am on the second and fourth Sunday of each month (BCP Holy Communion), and at 4pm on the first and third Sunday of each month (Compline Evensong). For any enquiries about weddings, baptisms, or funerals please contact Rev Andrew Steer on Farnhill and Kildwick Graham Taylor – St Andrew’s Church: There will be a service of All Age Worship at St Andrew’s on Sunday (2), starting at 11am. There will be a mid-week Holy Communion service, starting at 9.30am on Wednesday (5). St Andrew’s is open to visitors on most days, when the building is not in use, from about 10am until about 2pm.

St Andrew’s church car park: St Andrew’s car park will be closed for the first two to three weeks of July and for the last two weeks of August. Please ensure that your car is not in the car park from 6am on July 1 or it may be blocked-in until the middle of July.


St Andrew’s Church: Services for Sunday, June 2, 8am, BCP Holy Communion; 11am Family Service with bacon butties from 10.30am. Everyone is very welcome to either of our services or if you prefer, join us for coffee and a chat or prayer at noon. The church is open every day during daylight hours and there is a cafe from 10.30am to noon every Monday.

Upcoming events: June 6, D-Day celebration 6pm-8pm. Fish and chips with hot drinks and puds. Bring your own bottle. Fancy dress optional with prize for best adult and child. Singalong and entertainment. £10 adult/£6 child pre-booking essential (pay at door). Email or leave a message with number of bookings and name on 01756 748538.


Giggleswick WI: Our meeting will be held on Thursday June 6 at 7pm. We meet at the Settle swimming pool, Kendal road, Giggleswick. Our speaker will be Rowena Lea who will give a talk of her life and tales below stairs it will be an interesting talk. New members welcome and visitors.

St Alkelda’s Church: Services on Sunday, June 2, are Holy Communion at 9.30am and Choral Evensong at 6pm. On Thursday, June 6, Rev Julie Clarkson will lead a tribute to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day at the war memorial, Settle, at 9pm, followed by the lighting of the beacon at 9.15pm. On Saturday, June 8, the Upsy Daisy Day Cafe will be open at St Alkelda’s from 11am to 3pm for morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea. Come along and bring a friend.


Line dancing: Line dancing is held on Fridays in the Institute from 1pm-3pm. There will be no session tomorrow however.

Wesley centre: There will be a drop-in lunch today from noon. The community pantry will be open tomorrow from 2pm-3pm. Sunday service will be from 2pm. Welcome Mat group will meet on Monday from 2pm-4pm. Kettlebells exercise class meets on Wednesdays from 6pm-8.30pm.

Heliarts: Heliarts will be held in the Institute on Tuesday, June 4, from 2pm-4pm.

Coffee morning: This Saturday’s coffee morning will be an Institute event. From 10am with raffle and 200 Club.

Mothers’ Union: The MU will meet on Wednesday, June 5, from 2pm-4pm in the Institute.

Messy Monkeys: Messy Monkeys activity sessions for children are held in the Institute on Wednesdays in term time from 10.30am. Contact Amanda Belt for information on 07398 284126.

Games: Games sessions are held in the Institute on Wednesdays from 2pm-4pm. For card and board games fun.

Police drop-in: The next Police drop-in session at the Institute will be on Thursday, June 6, from 10am-noon in the Institute Yorke Room. Representatives of North Yorkshire Police will be in attendance to chat about local policing issues in the Hellifield area.

Creative textiles: There will be a creative textiles group class in the Institute Yorke Room from 9.30am-12.30pm on Wednesday, June 5.

Craft group: The next craft group meeting will be on Thursday, June 6, from 1pm-4pm, in the Institute Yorke Room.


Mothers' Union: Will be hosting a Teddy Bears’ Picnic at St Oswald’s Church on Sunday at 2pm. They will also be arranging the painting of hedgehog houses and bird boxes which is very apt as Environment Sunday will be celebrated that day.

Kirkby Malham

Church News: On Sunday, June 2, there will be a service of Holy Communion at 10am led by Rev Heinz Toller to which everyone is welcome, whether a church regular or ‘just visiting’. St Michael’s is open from 9am to dusk every day of the year, and facilities for visitors to make themselves a hot drink and information about the interesting history of our 15th century church are available. There are resources for prayer in the Lady Chapel which visitors are welcome to use. We welcome enquiries about weddings, baptisms (christenings), and funerals; for more information please see our website or contact Rev Sue on


Environmental Group: Thursday, June 6, at 7.30pm, at Town End Farm Shop, Airton, ‘Farm to Yarn’ a talk by Edward Sexton of Glencroft Wool about local wool production and the clothing made from it. A free event. No need to book, just come along.

Ben Saunders concert of Accordion and Organ music: Saturday, June 8, at 7pm, St Michael’s Church. Tickets £10 at the door. Ben is an accomplished organist who has performed at organ festivals across Europe and the UK, and he is the director of music at Leeds Catholic Cathedral. He will be playing a beautiful selection of accordion and organ music. Refreshments will be available. See for more information.

Art in the Dale: Exhibition of original work by Malhamdale artists, June 20 to 23, 9am to 6pm St Michael’s Church. This year’s exhibition will have a focus on the work of Bill Wild, a talented blacksmith, artist, and wood carver who worked in Malham for 40 years until his death in 1985.

Long Preston

D-Day Celebrations: On June 6, Long Preston village will commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day with an act of remembrance at the memorial on Maypole Green, followed by a service at the Methodist chapel. Other events include a presentation by the Heritage Group and a lunch, including cake and coffee in the village hall. St Mary’s Church bells will be rung at 6.30pm ‘Ringing out for peace’ followed by the lighting of a Lamp of Peace and beacon at ‘The Edge’ at 9.15pm.

Church News: The church services at St Mary’s on Sunday, June 2, will be Holy Communion with Rev Ian Greenalgh starting at 11am. Little Footsteps playgroup will be meeting again on Monday, June 3. We look forward to seeing you all from 10am-11.30am. Remember this is a free activity with refreshments provided. Strong and Steady (gentle exercises) continues at 1.30pm-2.30pm in the Methodist Church. This is followed by coffee and chocolate biscuits. Only £4 a session. Everyone welcome. Free transport provided by Age UK available door to door. Craft Therapy group meet in the Methodist Church every Friday from 10.30am-noon. Bring along the project you are working on and have a chat and a brew.


Lothersdale over 50s club: Our next meeting will be on June 5 at 2pm in the village hall when we will be entered by the Cobbydale Singers. There will also be a raffle. Visitors and friends are welcome.


Settle Area Swimming Pool 200 Club: The May draw was made by Pool Manager Tash Ward before this month’s meeting of the pool trustees. The winners were: Steph Phillip No. 26 £80, Peter Thackrah No. 157 £50, and Susan Maudsley No.6 £30. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all club members for their continuing support for the pool.

Settle Parish Church: The weather forecast looks better for Saturday’s ‘Bacon Butties Morning’. So we’re hoping that our regular customers and visitors will be tempted by the ‘flaming June’ sunshine and call in for refreshments - Chris’s delicious bacon butties plus scones, cakes and coffee/tea available from 10am-1pm. To mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings Rev Julie Clarkson will lead a short service of Remembrance at Settle’s Cenotaph on Thursday, June 6, at 9pm. She will be joined by other church leaders and local councillors. At 9.15pm Settle’s beacon will be lit. June 6 is also the National Fish and Chips Day in honour of the D-Day Landings so you are invited to eat your fish and chips suppers in Holy Ascension from 7.30pm-8.45pm before the beacon is lit. Tea and coffee will be available and donations will go to Dementia Forward, our chosen charity this quarter. Alternatively we will order your favourite meal from “the chippy” for you and deliver them to church for 8pm. Order forms are available in church or have a word with churchwardens or Julie, for more details, if you’d like to join this evening of remembering the sacrifice made by so many on June 6, 1944.

Holy Ascension is hosting the popular Langcliffe Teas at Langcliffe Institute on Sunday, June 16, from 2pm to 4.30pm. Any offers of cakes, scones and biscuits or help on the day are most welcome. All proceeds to Church Funds. Rev Julie Clarkson leads the Family Service at 11am on Sunday, June 2. Everyone welcome. Stay for a chat and coffee afterwards.


Skipton Little Theatre: June 11 to 15. Get ready for a side-splitting exploration of love, romance, and the wisdom (or lack thereof) of parents when Skipton Little Theatre presents “Cheaters” by Michael Jacobs. In Cheaters we meet Allen and Michelle, a young couple facing a crossroads in their 18-month relationship. While Michelle is ready to take the plunge and get married, Allen is feeling uncertain. Seeking advice from their respective parents, the stage is set for a chaotic and comedic dinner that will have you laughing out loud. Filled with relatable characters and situations, Cheaters is a must-see for anyone who has ever navigated the ups and downs of a relationship. With evening performances at 7.30pm and a Saturday matinee at 2pm, there are plenty of opportunities to catch this delightful production.Tickets are priced at £12 for adults and £6 for under 16s, and you can secure your seats by visiting our online box office at Alternatively, you can call 0752 714 1176 or email us at

Upper Wharfedale

Church services: Sunday, June 2, 9.30am St Wilfrid’s, Burnsall (Holy Communion); 11am St Michael’s, Linton (Morning Praise); 11am St Peter’s, Rylstone (Holy Communion); 4pm Grass Wood (Families@4 Go Wild!); 6pm St John the Baptist’s, Appletreewick (Book of Common Prayer Evening Prayer). Wednesday June 5 - 10am Church House, Grassington (Holy Communion); 6pm Fountaine’s Chapel, Linton (Candlelit music and reflection service).