AN award-winning eco-church held a workshop for leaders of other churches in Craven to help them become more environmentally aware.

Last year, St Mary's Church, Embsay with Eastby, gained its Gold Eco Church award, administered by A Rocha. To help others in their journey to become more environmentally aware, it held a workshop featuring a 'carousel' of discussion groups.

It included going through the five areas of the award - worship, land, buildings, community and global engagement and lifestyle - as well as discussing the net carbon zero target of the Church of England.

The event was attended by 23 people from 18 parishes from across the Diocese of Leeds.

A spokesperson said: "There were lots of opportunities to discuss problems encountered - and possible solutions - with other participants. One participant said that the day had been a ‘seed swap’ of ideas which they were looking forward to planting and nurturing in their own church."