AN 18-year old has been ordered to pay £141 in a fine and costs after admitting being drunk and disorderly in Skipton.

Police responding to a report of two men fighting outside Pinder House in Keighley Road on May 6 found Korey Hopson and his cousin at the bus station, heard Skipton Magistrates Court on Friday.

While Hopson's cousin was explaining to the officers what had happened and how it had escalated after one of them had drunk the other's pint, Hopson became emotional and had started swearing, and had been arrested.

Hopson, who admitted being drunk and disorderly, wanted to apologise and regretted what had happened, the court heard.

Keith Blackwell, in mitigation, said Hopson had drunk far too much alcohol and because of the state he had been in at the time had resented being questioned by the police.

"He says he will do his level best for this not to happen again," said Mr Blackwell.

Hopson, of Keighley Road, was told by magistrates that drinking alcohol appeared to be a problem for him. He was fined £40 and ordered to pay a surcharge of £16 and costs of £85.