WHILE there may have been a small turnout in terms of quantity, the quality on offer at Monday’s second fortnightly June Craven Dairy Auction at CCM Skipton saw some smashing types forward, reflected in a consistent trade and a very respectable sale average of £2,125.

Leading the way in both the pre-sale show and topping the trade was a Harley P daughter from multiple past champion Mark Smith, of Winterburn. This stylish black heifer giving 31 litres per day with a cell count of 27 just three weeks calved joined Beamsley show judge and regular purchaser Alan Middleton, who pursued his champion against strong bidding to secure her at £2,250.

Reserve champion heifer was from TD Goldie & Son, Danby Wiske, Northallerton, with Wiskemanor Denver Amanda, backed by five generations of VG/EX cows and full of potential to go VG herself. She calved on May 23 and was giving 30kg, selling for £2,150 and one of two from the same home going to Calderdale with the Midgley family, Luddendenfoot.

Continuing their ongoing dispersal, the Bolland family, Dykelands Farm, Airton, had a nine days calved Boghill Glamour Skeletor daughter forward. Already giving 27kg she gave the top two heifers a run for their money when finishing at £2,050 and also selling to the Midgleys.

The next Craven Dairy Auction is on Monday, July 1.

There were 32 rearing calves forward with Aberdeen-Angus bulls selling to a tops of £535 and £530 from Calton father and daughter Robert and Ellie Crisp. Younger models made to £250-£300. Angus heifers sold to £300 from James Gooch, Cononley, with strong Angus heifers at 4-5 weeks old tapping out to £220-£245 and young Angus heifers reaching £140-£200.

British Blue-x bulls sold at £460 from MD&HE Wallbank & Son, Embsay. Blue heifers sold to £400 from James Gooch again. With all others £370 upwards.

Charolais bulls sold to £400 from GD&A Midgley, Halifax, with Charolais heifers from the same vendor selling to £390. Simmental heifers sold to £385 from J Peel, Gisburn, and Simmental bulls from the same vendor sold to £415 while his Limousin x bull calves made to £340.

Limousin heifers sold to £400 from A&SL Throup & Son, Silsden Moor. Black & White bulls sold to £285 from M Fewster, Cleckheaton.

There were 11 cull cows forward on Monday with a top price of £1,481.55 for a 830kg cow from JSS Verity, Clitheroe. Parlour cows trading regular at £1,100-£1,300 for meat cows weighing over 600kgs or 167-185p/kg. Feeding cows sold at 137.5-150p/kg. Limousin cows sold to 196.5ppk from JW Tinkler & Son, Ilkley.

Overall average was 167.4p/kg £1,059. Black & White to 185.5p/kg av 164.7p/kg. Limousin x to 196.5p/kg.

Top Prices (£ per head or p/kg) Black & White: £ per head: £1,481 £1,295 JSS Verity; p/kg: 185.5p JT Rushton; 181.5p JSS Verity; Beef: £ per head: £1,145 JW Tinkler; p/kg: 196.5p JW Tinkler;