CAVE rescue has once again appealed to walkers in the Dales to make sure they are equipped with charged-up mobile phones, a proper torch,  and a whistle after a group of students went missing on Ingleborough.

Police alerted the Cave Rescue Organisation on Monday after the three males, with limited phone connection, were late returning from a walk over Ingleborough.

The three students were eventually found cold but well in fading light just after 8.30pm close to their original location, but the outcome could have been different, says the CRO.

A CRO spokesperson said: "Whilst details were limited it was believed they were near to the ridge between South House Moor and Swine Tail. They had very limited phone connection. As we investigated and assembled members nearby, we were led to believe they had met up with tutors and all was resolved.

"Whilst checking this information it proved not to be the case, and appeared to have been due to a breakdown in communication between the students and their tutors. As light faded, they were eventually located close to their original location and a hasty team of members was despatched from near the Hill Inn. The students were quickly found safe and well, albeit chilly, and were walked off by our members back to the Hill Inn. They were transported back to their base in Horton."

The CRO spokesperson added: "This incident was safely resolved but could have been otherwise. We have repeatedly given advice that, even in summer, walkers should always ensure their mobile phones are charged up – if needs be keep one phone in your group just for emergency – and carry a good, bright torch - not just your phone torch - and a whistle."