SETTLE beaver scouts have been given the thumbs-up by residents after putting up signs reminding dog owners to pick up after their pets.

The 1st Castleberg Beaver colony was carrying out litter picking in and around Settle when the youngsters realised there was an issue with dog poo.

The Beavers, who are aged between six and eight years old, and are part of Settle Scouts, designed eye-catching posters and with a £450 locality grant from North Yorkshire councillor David Staveley, they have been made into permanent signs.

Those signs have now gone up in Austwick, Settle, Long Preston and Malham, and in hamlets in between.

A spokesperson for the Beaver colony said: " The Beavers hope this encourages responsible dog ownership and improves the environment. The public has already responded positively - one said: “a vote of appreciation to Settle Beavers for their bright, waterproof signs reminding folks to pick up their dog poo."

Anyone interested in volunteering with Settle Scouts can email: