OWNERS of classic cars and vehicles are invited to take part in a car show due to take place in Embsay on Sunday (July 7).

The sixth Classics at The Cavendish event, held at The Cavendish Arms in Skipton Road, is free for owners of cars of all shapes and sizes to turn up, and for visitors; organisers just ask for a donation to Cancer Research UK.

The event will see the presentation of the Pat Douggen Car of the Year Award, named after the pub landlady's sister, who worked in the motor industry and who died in 2019.

A spokesperson said: "We will have all sorts of cars and vehicles on display. It’s free for cars to turn up, and for visitors, we just ask for a donation to the charity. We’ll also have a charity book stall, several local arts and craft stalls, a barbecue and a cake stall."