PLANS to build homes on the former playing fields of Ingleton Middle School have been submitted to North Yorkshire Council.

Joint applicants Brierley Homes and Broadacres have submitted a fully detailed scheme for the site, which is off Laundry Lane, and allocated in the Craven Local Plan for a residential development of around 21 homes. Proposed is 17 homes, all with car parking, landscaping and green open spaces. Eight would be one and two bedroom; six three-bed, and three four bed.

12 of the houses would be for private sale, and five affordable - representing 30 per cent of the development.

In a design and access statement by Bowman Riley architects, it is stated that the proposed layout has been designed to 'reflect the configuration in the local area where a large proportion of detached and semi-detached properties are located. The dwellings have been positioned to avoid overlooking of adjacent properties, including existing houses, and maintain the advised distances between plots."

Access will be off Laundry Rain and care has been taken because of the site's 'prominent location'.

"Development proposals should be carefully and sensitively designed to minimise visual impact on the character and appearance of the area, and include measures to minimise impacts on air quality, noise and light pollution," it is stated.