THE parochial church council of Giggleswick's ancient parish church has submitted a plan to put 20 photovoltaic (PV) panels on is roof.

If allowed, the plan for St Alkelda's in Church Street would help the church in its goal to become carbon neutral and would encourage the community to also take action to reduce the village's carbon footprint.

In 2020, the church council put forward a plan to put 34 solar panels on the roof, planning consent was given, but the work was never carried out.

In a design, access and heritage statement with the latest application, Overton Architects for the Parochial Church Council of St Alkelda's, describes the church as at the centre of the 'important conservation area of Giggleswick' containing many 17th and 18th century buildings and a 'historic pattern of lanes and streets centred on the church'.

The church itself is grade one listed, built in the late 14th and early 15th centuries and restored in the 1890s by Paley and Austin.

Documents state: "The PCC of St Alkelda's are anxious to become more sustainable, as part of the Church of England's goal to become net zero by 2030, and in line with current government policy on climate change.

"The long term aim for the church is to become carbon neutral and this project is also there to encourage the local community to take action to reduce the village's carbon footprint."

It it proposed to mount two rows of ten 1726mm by 1134mm black photovoltaic panels with black frames on a rail framing system to the roof of the south aisle.

Documents state: "The solar panels will barely be visible from the surrounding houses due to the height of the parapet on the south aisle roof. The houses and the Harts Head Hotel on the B6480 are in an elevated position to the east. From here, the view of the south aisle roof is at a distance, and limited even from roof level, we feel that the proposed black panels will not be noticeable."

In 2020, the church council submitted a plan to fit 34, 5ft by 3ft panels on the roof.

The plan was approved by the former Craven District Council which concluded: "The solar panels are not considered to have a significant detrimental visual impact on the grade one listed church, or the Giggleswick Conservation Area. The development is not considered to harm the listed building or the Conservation Area, and there is a positive benefit in the improved energy efficiency and progress towards the church becoming carbon neutral."