A SOUTH Craven based company that makes promotional videos has launched a free app to help promote businesses in the Skipton area.

Genie Visuals, owned by Nick Jarvis from Silsden, and David Sorbo from Steeton, say they hope their Skipton Business Lookup app will help promote businesses of all shapes and sizes.

Nick said: "The idea came about during lockdown when all local businesses were struggling. We thought how could we help them bounce back and boost local business.

"That's when we came up with the idea to create a free app for customers and businesses so they could connect remotely with a handy app in their pocket."

Nick added: "We are passionate about promoting local business that's why it is free to add a business listing and to download the app. Our aim is to enable Skipton residents to be able to find Skipton businesses to help support local businesses in the area."

Genie Visuals says true to its name, only Skipton businesses are included in the app. To find out more, and to download the app, go to: https://www.genievisuals.com/skipton-business-lookup