A CRITICALLY-acclaimed inspiring true story of football's greatest underdogs is coming to Skipton Town Hall. The Long Lane Theatre Company's The Giant Killers tells the story of Darwen FC whose players defied all odds to become the first working class team in the country to play in the FA Cup when they took on the Old Etonians.

Based on a true story, that took place 150 years ago The Giant Killers, it is a rip-roaring show full of spirit and passion that uplifts and will ignite a fire in everyone – whether you know the off-side rule or not.

Staring as Darwen's captain, Billy Walsh is Graham Butler, who has appeared in numerous leading roles for Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, was the lead in the West End production of The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night Time and also played Peter Murray in Penny Dreadful on Sky Atlantic.

The Giant Killers is at Skipton Town Hall at 7.30pm on Friday July 26. Tickets at: https://skiptontownhall.co.uk; or in person at the town hall box office.