SINGERS who got together while studying at Cambridge University are performing at Bolton Abbey next week as part of their first tour.

The vocal ensemble Lady Clare's Consort, including two members from Craven, will perform Musicke Divine at the Priory Church at 7.30pm on Friday, July 26.

The consort, specialises in renaissance choral music and over the past year, has performed in many of the prestigious college chapels of Cambridge, such as Trinity, Sidney Sussex and Clare, as well as the chapel of Royal Holloway University and Croydon Minster.

With concert programmes stretching from the Lamentations of Byrd, Tallis and Lobo, to their 2024 tour programme of Musicke Divine, the consort seeks to perform an eclectic mix of renaissance and contemporary music within the confines of small ensemble singing.

Tickets £10 and £8 for under 18s, on the door or