PLANS to build a pair of semi-detached houses in Church Lane, East Marton have been lodged with North Yorkshire Council.

The principle of development - before the submission of a full planning application - is being sought for two homes on land at the junction of Church Lane and the A59.

Proposed is a pair of two storey, three-bedroom houses and garages on the 0.095 hectare site which currently contains 'several large mature trees and denser planting along the A59 boundary'.

A planning statement with the proposal says the development will - if approved - 'round-off' an existing adjacent development and will have a new shared driveway from Church Lane.

All the new properties will be built outside tree root protection zones, all existing trees will be retained and in addition, new trees and hedges will be planted. Reference is made in the application to a mature tree which stands in the middle of Church Lane close to the junction of the A55, is 'literally surrounded by impermeable tarmac surfaces - but healthy' .

The site is within a conservation area and close-by is the listed Marton House. The application states: "The proposals are intended as a positive contribution to the conservation area in the existing character."