THE captain of England's netball team Natalie Metcalf took time out to join a celebration in Barnoldswick of the Paris Olympics, which are due to start this weekend.

All seven schools in the town took part in the celebration which saw an Olympic Torch passed from school to school from the beginning of June. Each school kept the torch for a few days before children walked, ran, or skipped it to next school.

The celebrations ended with all schools meeting in Barnoldswick Town Square on June 24 for a day of fitness activities. Natalie Metcalf, a former pupil of a school in Barnoldswick was guest of honour at the event which was also attended by the Mayor of Pendle.

David Toddington, headteacher of Coates Lane Primary School, Barnoldswick, said: "It was a wonderful opportunity to get all our seven schools together, to celebrate the fantastic sporting summer ahead, and it showcased the strong cluster that we have, where we regularly collaborate to give the best outcomes for the children of Barnoldswick."