NORTH Yorkshire Council says it 'remains open' to Skipton Town Council returning to the town hall.

The town council, which came into being 50 years ago, moved out of its accommodation in Skipton Town Hall in June after the collapse of suspended ceilings in its office space. It is now in Armoury House, Otley Street and last week held its last full council meeting in the offices of North Yorkshire Council in Belle Vue Square, Broughton Road.

North Yorkshire Council, which owns the building, says valuable 'Mouseman' furniture in the town council chamber in the town hall are being cared for by museum staff and the portraits of former councillors remain in place.

The council's head of strategic property, Daniel McDermott, said: “Repairs that are needed at Skipton Town Hall are being assessed, and plans will be considered once this has been completed.

“We will continue to work closely with the town council and remain open to the possibility that they may return once appropriate space is available. It can continue to use the council chamber if the space is free.

“We own the Mouseman furniture in the chamber which will remain in place and continue to be cared for by the Craven Museum team.

“There is no immediate plan to move the portraits.”