A COLLECTION of 44 “Thoughts For The Day” posted during the many weeks of Covid-19 lockdowns by the Chaplain at Parcevall Hall, Skyreholme, have been published.

As the Christian Retreat House for the Diocese of Leeds, the hall attracts thousands of visitors to its grounds and gardens as well as the many using the retreat and conference facilities at the hall, close to Appletreewick in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales.

While the hall was closed to visitors, its Chaplain, Graham Bettridge, posted his “thoughts” each Tuesday during the two lockdowns, notching up a total of 44 different topics offering “solace for comfort, enjoyment, understanding and enlightenment”.

He said: “It was our way to keep in touch with our many visitors, clergy, staff and friends throughout this most unsettling of times. I’m delighted they are now in one collection and give an insight into our uncertainties and outlook back then.”

Retired Bishop David Hawkins , says in a foreword to the book: "These Lockdown Thoughts for the Day come from the heart of a priest who in his eight decades is as alive in spirit as a 20-something."

The book, published by The Friends of Parcevall Hall and printed with full colour illustrations and carrying a foreword by Bishop David Hawkins is available from Parcevall Hall (01756 720213, admin@parcevallhall.org.uk for £7.50)