YOUNG farmer, seven year old Edie King, took the championship at Lothersdale Young Farmers Club show.

Edie, a fine example of the next generation of farmers, took the championship with her Derbyshire Gritstone Tup Lamb and was also champion young handler along with many other prizes showing her sheep with grandad, Nigel Pepper.

The show, on July 20, included something for everyone, from cattle, sheep and machinery classes to handicrafts, baking, and even a competition for the largest nettle. There was also a fell race, stalls, ferret racing, fun with sumo suits, and Malcolm Smith was there raising money for Dementia Forward.

Non Livestock Trophies

N Sykes Trophy: Best item in the machinery class exhibited by a member - Isla Swinson. Boothman Cup: Junior member with the most points - Isaac Chapman. Jennings Cup: Member with the most points in the handicraft section - Rachael Bell. Domestic cup: Member with the most points in the domestic classes - Isaac Chapman. Girls Advisory Shield; Advisory member with the most points in all classes - Denise Dobson. Boys Advisory Shield: YFC member from another club with the most points - Alfie Throup- SWS. BOCM Cup: Best in Show (handicraft or domestic classes) - Isaac Chapman - British countryside photo. LYFC Children’s trophy:Junior non LYFC member with the most points - Edie King. Berries to Booze fruit liqueur Trophy: Best homemade fruit liqueur - Isla Swinson. Fell Race: Hare and Hounds cup-First Lothersdale YFC member back -Isobel Thompson.

Sheep Results

Lothersdale and District YFC Trophy: Champion Sheep by a non LYFC member - Edie King (Gritstone Tup Lamb). J Gill Esq Sheep Cup: Champion Sheep exhibited be a LYFC member - Megan Booth (Texel Tup). Springs Trophy donate by Mr and Mrs Wellock: Member with the most points in the sheep section - Isobel Thompson. R Clough Esq Memorial Trophy: Best Handler - Edie King.

WR Airey Cup; Best fat lamb exhibited by a LYFC member - Isobel Thompson. Paul and White Cup: Best home reared animal on the showfield exhibited by a LYFC - Isobel Thompson. Lothersdale YFC trophy; Non YFC member with the most points in the sheep section - Edie King. Bernal and Neville Smith memorial Trophy: Best Pure Bred Gimmer Lamb - Isobel Thompson. Der Haler Cup: Best goat -Edie King.

Cattle results

 R Doyle Cup: Best Dairy animal- Daniel Dobson. JL Marsden Esq Trophy: Best Beef animal - Alfie Jackson. Club Challenge Cup: Best Cattle in Show: Champion- Alfie Jackson; Reserve - Daniel Dobson.