THE opening sale of breeding sheep through the ring at Skipton Auction Mart on Wednesday (July 24)  provided a promising forecast of what is likely to come under the gavel at CCM over the next few months with 305 head of mixed ages tapping out to an overall average of £173.75. 

Demand from a good attendance of buyers was particularly strong for Texel x and Suffolk x types with vendors subsequently obliging with a good show of examples prompting some swift bidding.

The auction complemented a very successful 2nd annual store lambs sale and show the same day providing plenty of choice for those on the lookout for quality stock which has come to be expected from the Skipton sales rings.

Among the breeders, the average for two-crop ewes was £188 with a large proportion of pens making over £200.Topping the trade were three pens of 10 Texel from regular vendor TH&K Wood, of Harrogate, making £220, also topping the Suffolk category with a top price of £215 and topping the Mules at £180. The same vendor had nine pens over the £200 mark to endorse a very worthwhile trip once again to Craven Cattle Mart.

Aged ewes were in demand but were more dependent on their condition and correctness; the consignment from TH&K Wood made to £190 for some four-crop Texels. The overall average for four-croppers was £168.73 The principle prices reached on the day for breeding sheep were: Texel x to £220 (average £191) - £220 x3 £205 x2 TH&K Wood; £148 Taylor Contracting. Mules to £180 (average £175) - £180, £175 TH&K Wood; £128 SK Watson. Suffolk x to £215 (average £196) - £215 £205 £200 £190 TH&K Wood. Woodland shearlings to £135 - £135 SK Watson. Woodland lambs to £82 - £82 SK Watson.

Demand for store lambs and breeding sheep is expected to be just as high at the next sale on Wednesday, August 7, which will include the annual prize show and sale of Beltex lambs.