A SALES manager for a dental firm has partaken in a charity boxing event.

Joseph Harrison of Silsden-based Ethoss Regeneration Ltd raised an impressive £1,455 for Save the Children in his first fight at the Ultra White Collar Boxing event (UWCB), hosted at Leeds' Royal Armouries.

The UWCB encourages individuals with no previous boxing experience to try the sport, get in shape, and raise money for charity.

Mr Harrison's fight conformed to the UWCB's usual format, of three two-minute rounds, with a one-minute break in between.

He narrowly missed out on a win but was one of the top five fundraisers for the cause.

Mr Harrison said: "It was an incredible experience.

"I dedicated myself to eight weeks of intense training to prepare for this fight.

"I love watching boxing, but stepping into the ring myself was something I never thought I’d do.

"But when I heard about UCWB, and the opportunity to raise money, I had to give it a go, and I’m glad I did!

"Save the Children is a charity very close to my heart.

"They tirelessly provide essential resources like medicine, nutritious food, and education to millions of children worldwide and it was an honour to be able to raise money to support their work."

This is not Mr Harrison's first foray into fundraising.

Four years ago, he faced his extreme fear of heights and skydived from 15,000 feet to raise funds for Cancer Research UK, after both of his parents overcame cancer within eighteen months of one another.

Ethoss’s managing director, Peter Wheeler, said: "As a team, we are all so proud of Joe’s achievements.

"He is an inspiration to us all, taking on these amazing challenges to raise vital funds for charity and help others."

Donations can still be made to Mr Harrison's JustGiving page for Save the Children at www.justgiving.com/page/joseph-harrison-1715847233212.