ADDINGHAM’S annual show, organised by Addingham Allotments and Gardens Association, is due to take place on Saturday August 10.

There will be more than 50 classes in vegetables, flowers, fruit, home baking and preserves, handicrafts and photography, as well as a section just for children.

Peter Cooke, show secretary, said: The annual show is a traditional event to celebrate village life and is intended bring together local people of all ages to enjoy shared activities.

"Our show is not just for the green-fingered; there are plenty of other classes and I’d encourage everyone to join in and enter something. You don’t need to be an expert by any means; it’s great fun and you will be supporting a long-standing village event. And who knows, you might even win a prize."

Entries will be taken on Wednesday August 7 at the Addingham Memorial Hall between 6.30pm and 8pm or can be sent to the show secretary in advance. No entries can be submitted on the day of the show. Schedules of all the classes and entry forms with full details can be found and downloaded from the association website, or paper copies can be collected from the village Hub or library.

The show will be open to the public for viewing from 2pm on the day and prizes will be presented to the winners at 3.45pm.