'REBUILDING' was the subject given to Craven schoolchildren for a young writers' competition.

Winners of the contest, the latest in a series to be organised by Skipton Rotary and the Rotary Club of Skipton Craven, were congratulated at a special event along with friends and family at Skipton Golf Club.

The eight winners read out their winning poems or pieces of prose on subjects ranging from rebuilding after the devastating impact of an earthquake to the rebuilding of a community in the aftermath of the Second World War. 

Rotarian Paul Wright, event organiser said: “This was our second celebratory event, the first being held in September last year, such was the success of that evening that we decided to run a second event this year. The feedback from the parents of our young writers who attended was very positive and very complimentary on the warmth of welcome and support they received throughout the evening. Our young people did us proud and they give us hope for the future through their powerful pieces of work.”

Skipton Rotary’s winners in the Intermediate (Secondary School) category: 1-Bella Brewer, South Craven School – a story about the destruction of a colony that had been destroyed by a bomb, and futuristic (and modern) take on the route to rebuild the colony; 2 - Rosa Booth, Skipton Academy – a story about the devastating effects of an earthquake, the assuring words of an aid worker helping to keep everyone safe, and how ‘brick by brick, wall by wall, houses became homes again’; 3 - Sam Till, Skipton Academy – a story about the devastating effects of his home being destroyed in a disaster, and the loss of his family, and how he was eventually saved.

The Rotary Club of Skipton Craven’s winners in the Junior School category: 1Alexander Coupe, Boyle & Petyt Primary School - A World War Two poem about destruction and survival and the rebuilding of a community. Alexander’s piece also won the Rotary District (Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire) final and reached the national final, although he did not win; 2 -Ellie Cramer, Cracoe and Rylstone Primary School – a poem about the power of water and the devastating effect it can have on peoples’ homes and lives, yet they can still rebuild their homes and relationships; 3 - Mollie Miller, Threshfield Primary School – a poem about how wind, thunder, lighting and rain can cause such devastation, yet people come together to rebuild and mend.

 Joint 4 - Oscar Lambert, Lothersdale Primary School - a poem about rebuilding after a bomb attack in 1939; Phoebe Munday, Lothersdale Primary School – a story about the aftermath of an earthquake and discovering the perfect place to rebuild; 5 -Poppy Sugden, Cowling Primary School – a poem about losing confidence and rebuilding it through positivity; 6 - William Smith, Lothersdale School – an acrostic poem, using the word 'rebuilding' to describe the various uses of the word.

Next year’s competition will have the theme Beautiful Waters. Details will be circulated to local schools at the beginning of September.

The winners’ portfolio of all the pieces can be download from: https://www.rotary-ribi.org/upimages/clubfiles/1667/young-writers-portfolio_1.pdf