WELLBEING charity Skipton Men's Shed is looking for a new home after being given to the end of the month to vacate its current premises at the former Ings Community Primary School in Broughton Road.

The charity which has been based in Broughton Road since 2019, occupying former classrooms which are used as a woodwork workshop with a separate lounge for the all-important brew and a chat, has not had its temporary licence renewed by North Yorkshire Council due to the future use of the building by Brooklands School from September this year.

The building is also a base for children's charity SELFA whose licence also comes to an end in September. Its continued use of the building will be up to the governors of Brooklands School.

Skipton Men's Shed says unfortunately, negotiations to share an existing workshop venue in Skipton have fallen through, leaving the real prospect that the charity will be forced to shut for a temporary period, or perhaps even longer.

The charity is open to all over the age of 18 and focuses on supporting the men’s wellbeing, helping those who are feeling low or isolated to build new friendships, learn new skills and receive support. The shed provides both community areas and workshop space for developing woodworking and other creative activities.

Over recent months several new members have joined with a renewed emphasis on making items for sale or to support the local community. At the recent Sheep Day members shared a stall with the Skipton Step Into Action charity. Members have also been reaching out to other local community organisations to refer men to the support the Shed offers, including for those with physical disabilities, poor mental health, struggling with bereavement or social isolation.

Members have commented on how The Shed helps with confidence-building and socialising, giving people a chance to give back to the community, and somewhere to think of new ideas and possibilities, as well as a place to learn woodworking and other practical skills.

One said, “after having had a stroke, it (becoming a shed member) was the best thing to happen – it changed my life.”

Another said, “it’s a good place, gets me out of the house and gives me something to look forward to.”

Peter Smith, one of the Shed Trustees, said: "We are looking for any reasonably-sized space - 500 sq ft or more - in either Skipton or the surrounding area that would allow us to use or create a workshop and separate communal space for our members. It could be an existing workshop, some garages or even an unused building with suitable consent, in reasonable condition or otherwise, with utilities on site and ideally with good access.’ "We are appealing to the good people of Skipton to let us know if there is anything they know of or have which might suit, either short term or longer, so that we can continue to run this much-needed charity."

Anyone able to help is asked to email: skiptonmensshed2022@gmail.com or contact Peter Smith on 07740 530192 or Pete Jackson on 07734 086989.