FRIENDS and family of a Skipton woman who earlier this year was diagnosed with leukaemia days after giving birth to her daughter are showing their support by raising £10,000 for Blood Cancer UK.

They have already raised more than £8,000 for the charity and at the end of September around 30 of them will be running the Sheffield 10k race in a bid to smash their target.

At the beginning of May, Rebecca Robinson, previously Copley, who went to primary and secondary schools in Skipton and who now lives in Garforth, was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia just eight days after giving birth to her daughter, Annabel.

Within two days, she was receiving intense, 24 hours a day chemotherapy for a week. She then stayed in hospital for a further four weeks recovering and is now on a short break when she can spend some time at home with her daughter before having to go back to hospital for further intensive chemotherapy which could go on for a year.

Her friend, Ella Stockdale, said: "Becky is doing brilliantly and in a bid to support her further, about 30 of us are running the Sheffield 10km for Blood Cancer UK. We initially aimed to raise £1,000 but raised that within a day, then raised our target to £2500, but raised that within another day.

"Our target is now to raise £10,000. Our aim is to raise awareness of this terrible illness and to help raise the much needed money so that further research can be done on different treatments for acute myeloid leukaemia."

To help Becky's family and friends reach their target, go to: