WORK has started on the redevelopment of the former Rackhams department store in Skipton town centre.

The Rackhams House of Fraser store in High Street has been empty since 2019, but in what is being seen as a positive for the town, it is being brought back into use.

The latest reincarnation of the once separate buildings, 31 to 41 High Street, will see the old department store made into four separate units.

There will be ‘modest alterations’ to the High Street frontage including the repositioning of doors; while at the back, there will be changes to the later, flat-roofed extension and changes to the car park, to make it more of an attractive walk-way.

The application by Equorium Property Ltd was approved by North Yorkshire Council officers in April as a welcome ‘restoration and maintenance’ of the buildings and an ‘enhancement’ of the town centre conservation area.

The planning officer report at the time stated: “The proposal to reinstate three separate units will help to reinforce the historic character and legibility of the three separate buildings. The return of the buildings to beneficial retail use is fully supported as it will ensure the restoration and ongoing maintenance of the buildings and restore the vitality of this part of the High Street and the conservation area.

“The proposed work to the rear elevation area would result in a considerable enhancement to the appearance and introduce a synergy with the relatively new retail units facing onto the nearby car park at the rear of the town hall.

“On balance, it is considered that the proposed works would result in a visual enhancement to the listed building, its setting and significance with the additional public benefits of bringing the building back into use. It would also enhance the designated conservation area.”

In documents submitted with the application to the council, agents for Equorium Property said that the proposal was in response to the ‘size of the building and lack of serious viable interest since the House of Fraser operations ceased in 2019’.

Councillor Robert Heseltine, who represents Skipton East on North Yorkshire Council and is also a member of Skipton Town Council, welcomed the start of work, but added there was still much to do if town centre shops were to hold their own against internet shopping.