CRAVEN College says it is 'very proud' of its Level-3 and A-Level students after they received their results earlier today.

More than 570 Level-3 vocational students were successful, with art and design, performing arts, media, childcare and business courses achieving a 100 per cent pass rate. For art and design, performing arts, media and childcare, it was the second year in a row with students achieving a 100 percent pass rate.

There was also a 100 per cent pass rate for A-level students studying psychology and sociology.

Pass rates for 16 to 18 year olds were 2.4 percent above the national average and a 6.7 percent increase on last year.

Students from performing arts, media, esports and IT joined head of department, Giles Atkinson at the Skipton campus to open their results. With nearly all achieving distinctions, they are now firmly on the path to a successful career with all moving on to higher education.

College Principal and CEO, Anita Lall, said: “A huge well done to all our students collecting their results today. Craven College is a great alternative to a traditional school sixth form setting. We continue to invest in our facilities and infrastructure, and with the introduction of T-levels have added another pathway to our successful academic, vocational and apprentice routes offering.

"Our students’ results have shown that our provision at Craven College prepares students with the skills and knowledge they need for employment, higher apprenticeships, or Higher Education. We are very proud of all our students achieving their results today and we wish them all the best for the future.”

For anyone receiving their results who has not yet applied for university or secured a place, there is still time to apply top take a degree at Craven College. For more details, visit:, or call 01756 791411 for information, advice and to find out about available places.

For anyone undecided about their next steps, the college has several application routes There is still time to enrol on full and part-time courses this September, details can be found at