BURNSALL Sports and Charities day this year will start with the setting off of more than a thousand plastic ducks into the River Wharfe.

Due to take place on Burnsall village green, on Saturday, August 24, the duck race at 1pm will see ducks launched off Burnsall Bridge down the river to raise money for the St Wilfrid's Fabric Fund.

The Rev Matthew Wood, new rector of Linton, Burnsall and Rylstone, will start the Classic Burnsall Fell Race and also the Junior Fell Race, the highlights of the day.

There will be entertainment on the village green from 1pm led by Skipton Brass Band whose members will be playing throughout the afternoon.

There will be children and adult races and also the 'Famous Burnsall Pet Show'. Chappo’s Corner will be open for everyone to have a go at novelty games and there will also be a coconut shy.

A spokesperson for organisers, said: "There will be chances to win prizes on the sports raffle, the sports tombola and St Mary’s, Embsay, stall. For the hungry there will be St Wilfrid’s barbecue and a cake stall; and after the fell races the fun on the green finishes with the ever-popular egg throwing."