FELL rescue volunteers were called out yesterday (Sunday) to rescue a labradoodle after it fell five metres down a hole near Pateley Bridge.

The ten year old dog, called Bailey, was walking with its owners at Guisecliffe and while off the lead, fell down a steep sided hole and was unable to get out.

Grassington-based Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association (UWFRA), was just finishing off at an open day at Harrogate Fire Station when it set off to help the fire service and other team members, who were on their way with the team's animal rescue kit.

A spokesperson said Bailey's owners had made the wise decision to seek assistance rather than try and rescue the dog themselves.

They said: "On arrival, the fire service team handed over to the team and one of our team members was lowered into the opening.

"Fortunately Bailey was none the worse for wear for his antics and after being fed some dog treats and some water to re-hydrate he was placed in a dog rescue bag and extracted to safety where he was reacquainted with his owners. We wish Bailey well on his future adventures."