A PLAN to set up a children's nursery school in Lothersdale has been submitted to North Yorkshire Council.

The Rocking Horse Montessori Nursery, which has operated in Carleton for the past two years, is seeking to relocate to Lothersdale due to potentially losing its current premises.

It is now seeking planning permission to relocate to Lothersdale Village Clubhouse and caretaker's cottage, next to the village primary school.

A design statement with the application says the nursery currently cares for more than 80 children from five months to five years and has a daily capacity of 46 children. "The Rocking Horse Montessori Nursery has established itself as a vital resource for families in Carleton and the surrounding areas, employing 18 full and part-time staff members. The potential closure of this nursery without a new site would result in significant disruption for the families who rely on our services and job losses for the skilled staff.

"Changing the use of the clubhouse to a nursery will not only safeguard the Rocking Horse Montessori Nursery’s current childcare provision and the jobs of current employees, it will also expand the provision of childcare in the Lothersdale area and provide further job opportunities. Expanding Early Years childcare provision is vital to the local economy as it allows parents with young children to return to work much earlier than they would otherwise be able to."

The nursery says its plans have the support of the trustees of the clubhouse and have agreed a 20-year lease.

It states: " If the building is not used as a nursery, it is likely that the trustees will have no option but to sell it for residential development, thus depriving the local community of a building that has provided community services since it was built in the 1920s."

It also has the support of the headteacher of Lothersdale Primary School who comments: "This new provision addresses a significant need within our village, offering much needed childcare services that will greatly benefit many families in our community. Numerous parents of our primary school students have already expressed their desire to see a nursery within the village, highlighting its importance and relevance."

The Rocking Horse contacted the Herald to confirm that the business was taking active steps to secure or expand its Montessori education and childcare services in the local area.

A spokesperson said: "We are advancing plans in response to circumstances and opportunities. It's still possible that we can retain our site in Carleton as well as opening a new Lothersdale nursery, as part of the council's initiative to expand local childcare. We won't know the full picture until we have received a council planning decision around September 19 and have the final word on lease renewal or expiry from our current landlord."