VILLAGERS battling to save their pub from being sold off are a major step closer to securing it for the community.

Burton-in-Lonsdale, which already has a community-owned village shop, rose to the challenge when its only pub, The Punch Bowl, was put up for sale earlier this year for £315,000.

Residents quickly set up a Community Benefit Society to head up the rescue campaign with the aim of bringing the pub into community ownership.

In addition to the money needed to buy the inn, which includes four guest rooms and owner's accommodation, villagers want to raise enough to achieve its 'vision' for the pub.

Huge numbers of residents, and friends of the village, bought shares and by the deadline, on August 8, the society had swollen to 293 members and had raised £230,558.

At a follow-up meeting in the village, it was decided to extend the share offer to midnight on September 8 to reach the target and to give those who had made inquiries more time to get involved.

A spokesperson for the community benefit society said: "We are getting there, but we still need to reach our minimum target of £275,000. "With applications still coming in and a little more time, we really believe that we can achieve our goal."

The spokesperson added: "We know there are still those who are intending to invest as we continue to receive enquiries from people further afield who are just learning about our campaign and from people locally who have been away.

"We wish to take every opportunity within our project timeline to reach our optimum target of £445,000 which will enable the vision we have for the Punch Bowl to become a reality."

In addition to the ownership fund, villagers have also applied for grant funding and are looking into tax relief schemes, with decisions expected around September or October time.

The spokesperson added: "We would love to hear from anyone, wherever they may be, who would like to be a part of achieving something very special."

Find out more about Burton's fight to save its last remaining pub; or to apply for a share, go to: y. Or, find it on Facebook - Burton in Lonsdale Community Inn