THERE was both relief and delight at Ermysted's Grammar School in Skipton as students turned up to receive their GCSE results this morning.

Of the Year 11 students, 34 achieved passes at the highest eight or nine grades, including an 'incredible' 19 who got the highest passes in eight or more of their GCSE subjects.

Headteacher, Michael Evans said, “The school’s GCSE students produced another great set of achievements this summer. This includes 34 students who attained five or more of the very top grades of eight or nine, which equates to 28 percent of the cohort. Of this group, an incredible 19 students, or 16 percent of the year group, attained these highest grades in eight or more of their GCSE subjects. This is particularly impressive as they are the year group who had their first two years of secondary school disrupted by lockdown.”

He added: “Most importantly, this means that students are able to access the next stage of their education or training. We are incredibly proud of all of our students’ achievements and are pleased to see so many of them returning to join the sixth form in September, as well as welcoming a number of students who are new to the school."

Deputy headteacher, Pippa Davies, said: “It has been great to hear the excited discussions students have shared about their plans for the future, with the vast majority looking forward to starting their A-level courses at Ermysted’s Sixth Form in September.

"These outcomes reflect the commitment and determination of students, teachers, parents and carers. After enjoying the chance to celebrate, hopefully all students can now look forward to embarking on the new phase of their educational pathway with confidence and a real sense of success.”