LEADERS of South Craven School have congratulated their 'fabulous' Year 11 students on their GCSE and Level-2 vocational qualifications results.

Headteacher Martyn Hill said: "We are very proud of the achievements of our Year 11 students, and I would like to congratulate every single one of them for their hard work, focus, resilience and fabulous attitudes throughout their time in school.

"I would also like to thank parents for their strong support of the school and our staff, who worked so hard to help our students achieve their potential and drive their ambition.”

Richard Hughes, head of Year 11, added: “I am so proud of the year groups achievements. The students have worked so hard and deserve all their success. I wish them all the best for the future.”

Many Year 11 students will be returning to South Craven in September to start Sixth Form courses, while others will be progressing to local colleges and onto apprenticeship placements. As always, the school will be offering post results support to all the students as they make key decisions about their future.