THE Rotary Club of Skipton Craven has donated £2,000 to SELFA Children's Charity Skipton, funding a weekend residential break for children with multiple complex needs and their families at the Lake District's Bendrigg Trust.

Families at the residential break will be able to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities, such as canoeing, caving, and climbing.

These activities might usually be beyond the children's reach due to a lack of inclusive facilities available to them.

Parents and carers will also be able to access a supported break, enabling them to take a rest from their regular caring responsibilities while SELFA staff assume caring roles.

Emma Pears, SELFA's chief officer, said: "We are absolutely delighted to receive this donation from Skipton Craven Rotary.

"Their continued support of SELFA is very much appreciated and we cannot wait to visit the Bendrigg Trust to make more positive memories with our families!"

Keith Drummond-Brassington, president of the Rotary Club of Skipton, said: "Each year, the outgoing president of our club nominates a charity of his choice for a major donation.

"We were delighted when outgoing president Colin Hargreaves chose SELFA as his nominated charity and are equally pleased that this donation will fund a weekend break for children and their families at the Bendrigg Trust."

More information about SELFA Children's Charity Skipton is available at