THE  full results of  Kilnsey Show, across categories from cattle to handicrafts, are now available.

Headline results include Brown & Mason’s Charollais, judged to be the Supreme Sheep in Show; S & NV Jowett & Family, winners of the Three Show Championship in cattle; Katrina Braithwaite, who with horse Jasper won The Secret Drawer Trophy in the Ridden Horse Championship; and David Gardener, who had the best walking stick in section.

The full results are as follows.






Dalesbred Ram, two-shear or over

1. Richard Close

2. H Challis & S Lambert

3. David Lambert

4. Charlie Lancaster

Dalesbred Shearling Ram

1. John Bradley

2. Richard Close

3. Stuart & Edward Hird

4. Jack Lambert

5. Frank Jackson

Dalesbred Ram Lamb

1. John Bradley

2. Richard Close

3. Frank Jackson

4. Charlie Lancaster

5. Stuart & Edward Hird

Dalesbred Male, any age, to be owned and exhibited by exhibitor 21 and under on show day

1. Charlie Lancaster

2. Jack Lambert

3. Stephen Benson

Best Dalesbred Male

Champion Male. John Bradley - Shearling

Reserve Male. John Bradley - Tup Lamb

Dalesbred Ewe, any age

1. John Bradley

2. John Bradley

3. Richard Close

4. H Challis & S Lambert

5. Charlie Lancaster

Dalesbred Shearling Gimmer

1. John Bradley

2. Richard Close

3. Frank Jackson

4. David Lambert

5. Jack Lambert

Dalesbred Gimmer Lamb

1. John Bradley

2. Richard Close

3. Jack Lambert

4. Stuart & Edward Hird

5. Frank Jackson

Dalesbred Female, any age, to be owned and exhibited by exhibitor 21 and under on show day

1. Jack Lambert

2. Ellie Forster

3. Jess Graham

Best Dalesbred Female

Champion Female. John Bradley - Shearling

Reserve Female. John Bradley - Ewe

Pair: Male and Female, any age, confined to Dalesbred Sheep Breeders Association members

1. John Bradley

2. Richard Close

3. Frank Jackson

4. Liam Smith

5. Jack Lambert

Group, comprising: Ram (any age), Ewe, Shearling Gimmer and Gimmer Lamb

1. John Bradley

2. Richard Close

3. Frank Jackson

Dalesbred Sheep having been shown but not having won a prize in any other class

1. Stuart & Edward Hird

2. Charlie Lancaster

3. H Challis & S Lambert

Best Animal in Dalesbred Section (male or female)

Champion Dalesbred. John Bradley - Shearling Gimmer

Reserve Dalesbred. John Bradley – Ewe




Swaledale Ram, two-shear or over

1. WP Walker

2. Emily Smith

3. I Close & K Kenyon

Swaledale Shearling Ram

1. AJ Mason

2. AJ Mason

Swaledale Ram Lamb

1. WP Walker

2. M Walker

3. I Close & K Kenyon

Best Swaledale Male

Champion Male. WP Walker - Aged Tup

Reserve Male. WP Walker - Tup Lamb

Swaledale Ewe

1. M Walker

Swaledale Shearling Gimmer

1. I Close & K Kenyon

2. WP Walker

3. Harley Baxter

Swaledale Gimmer Lamb

1. M Walker

2. AJ Mason

3. WP Walker

Best Swaledale Female

Champion Female. I Close & K Kenyon - Shearling Gimmer

Reserve Female. M Walker -

Swaledale Pair, Male and Female, Shearling or older, confined to Swaledale Sheep Breeders’ Association members

1. WP Walker

2. I Close & K Kenyon

Tup and Gimmer Lambs as a pair

1. WP Walker

2. M Walker

3. I Close & K Kenyon

Swaledale Sheep having been shown but not having won a prize in any other class

1. Emily Smith

2. AJ Mason

Best Animal in Swaledale Section (male or female)

Champion Swaledale. I Close & K Kenyon - Sh Gimmer

Reserve Swaledale. WP Walker –




Teeswater Ram, 2 shear and over

1. Amy Edwards

Teeswater Shearling Ram

1. David Newbould

2. Stephen Benson

Teeswater Ram Lamb

1. David Newbould

2. David Newbould

3. Mark Elliot

4. Amy Edwards

Teeswater Gimmer Lamb

1. David Newbould

2. David Newbould

3. Stephen Benson

Teeswater Female, Shearling

1. Amy Edwards

2. David Newbould

3. Mark Elliot

Teeswater Ewe

1. David Newbould

2. Amy Edwards

3. Stephen Benson

Best Animal in Teeswater Section (male or female)

Champion Teeswater. David Newbould - Tup Lamb

Reserve Teeswater. Amy Edwards - Gimmer Shearling




Two Masham Gimmer Shearlings

1. M/B Allen

2. M/B Allen

3. Ellie Forster

One Masham Gimmer Shearling

1. M/B Allen

2. M/B Allen

3. Ellie Forster

Best Animal in Masham Section.

Champion Masham. M/B Allen

Reserve Masham. M/B Allen 




BFL Ram, shearing or over

1. James Middleton

BFL Ram Lamb

1. James Middleton

2. James Middleton

3. JW Stockdale & Sons

BFL Gimmer Lamb

1. CD & RF Kitching

2. James Middleton

3. James Middleton

BFL Female Shearling

1. James Middleton

2. James Middleton

3. Harley Baxter


1. James Middleton

2. Harley Baxter

Best Animal in BFL Section

Champion BFL. James Middleton - Tup Lamb

Reserve BFL. James Middleton - Gimmer Shearling




Local, Six Mule Gimmer Lambs

1. F & V Brown

2. James Huck

3. CD & RF Kitching

Local, Two Mule Gimmer Lambs

1. F & V Brown

2. CD & RF Kitching

3. James Huck

Local, One Mule Gimmer Lamb

1. F & V Brown

2. F & V Brown

3. James Huck

4. CD & RF Kitching

5. CD & RF Kitching

Six Mule Gimmer Lambs

1. W & D Lawson

2. Ashley Caton

3. JC Walker & Son

4. F & V Brown

Two Mule Gimmer Lambs

1. Ashley Caton

2. W & D Lawson

3. Ashley Caton

4. JC Walker & Son

5. F & V Brown

One Mule Gimmer Lamb

1. & Champion Ashley Caton

2. & Reserve W & D Lawson

3. W & D Lawson

4. WC Porter

5. JC Walker & Son




Shearling Ram or over

1. Ella Fickling - Border Leicester

2. Mollie Gamble - Llanwenog

3. Anna Clough - Cheviot

Ram Lamb

1. RW & ER Hargreaves - Cheviot

2. Ella Fickling - Border Leicester

3. Anna Clough - Cheviot

Gimmer Lamb

1. RW & ER Hargreaves - Cheviot

2. Anna Clough - Cheviot

3. Ella Fickling - Border Leicester

Gimmer Shearling or over

1. Ella Fickling - Border Leicester

2. Matthew Uttley - Herdwick

3. Anna Clough - Cheviot

Ewe to have Suckled Lambs this year

1. Ella Fickling - Border Leicester

2. Anna Clough - Cheviot

3. Lucy Mechie - Border Leicester

Best Animal in the Upland AOPB section

Champion Upland. Ella Fickling - Border Leicester Ewe

Reserve Upland. Ella Fickling - Border Leicester Aged Tup

Shearling Ram or over

1. Deb Metcalfe - Dutch Spotted

2. Brown & Mason - Badger Face Texel

3. Ralph Pearson - Badger Face Texel

Ram Lamb

1. Eleanor Hobson - Dutch Spotted

2. Deb Metcalfe - Dutch Spotted

3. Nick Thompson - British Berrichon

Gimmer Lamb

1. Eleanor Hobson - Dutch Spotted

2. Deb Metcalfe - Dutch Spotted

3. Nick Thompson - British Berrichon

4. Deb Metcalfe - Dutch Spotted

Gimmer Shearling or over

1. Deb Metcalfe - Dutch Spotted

2. Eleanor Hobson - Dutch Spotted

3. Brown & Mason - Badger Face Texel

4. Ralph Pearson - Badger Face Texel

Ewe to have Suckled Lambs this year

1. Brown & Mason - Badger Face Texel

2. Eleanor Hobson - Dutch Spotted

3. Deb Metcalfe - Dutch Spotted

Best Animal in the Lowland AOPB section

Champion Lowland. Deb Metcalfe - Dutch Spotted Shearling Gimmer

Reserve Lowland. Deb Metcalfe - Dutch Spotted - Aged Tup 

Best Animal in Any Other Breed Section

Champion AOPB. Ella Fickling - Border Leicester Ewe

Reserve AOPB. Deb Metcalfe - Dutch Spotted Shearling Gimmer




Texel Ram Lamb

1. John & Alison North

2. JW Stephenson

3. JW Stephenson

Texel Gimmer Lamb

1. John & Alison North

2. John & Alison North

3. JW Stephenson

Texel Shearling Ram

1. Adam Stockdale

2. Adam Stockdale

3. JW Stephenson

Texel Shearling Gimmer

1. JW Stephenson

2. John & Alison North

3. JW Stephenson

Texel Ewe to have Suckled Lambs this year

1. JW Stephenson

Group comprising 1 male and 2 females of different ages

1. JW Stephenson

Best Animal in Texel Section

Champion Texel. JW Stephenson

Reserve Texel. Adam Stockdale




Blue Texel Ram Lamb

1. Elsa Mckechnie

2. Elsa Mckechnie

3. Steph Horn

Blue Texel Gimmer Lamb

1. James Bailey

2. Elsa Mckechnie

3. James Bailey

4. Steph Horn

5. Ashley Fraser

Blue Texel Shearling Ram

1. Elsa Mckechnie

2. James Bailey

Blue Texel Ram, 2 shear and over

1. James Bailey

Blue Texel Shearling Gimmer

1. James Bailey

2. James Bailey

3. Elsa Mckechnie

4. Steph Horn

5. Ralph Pearson

Blue Texel Ewe to have Suckled Lambs this year

1. James Bailey

2. James Bailey

3. Ralph Pearson

4. Ashley Fraser

Group comprising 1 male and 2 females of different ages

1. James Bailey

2. Elsa Mckechnie

Any Animal in Blue Texel section that has not won a prize in any class

1. James Bailey - Gimmer Lamb

2. Ashley Fraser - Ewe

3. Step Horn - Ewe

Best Animal in Blue Texel Section (male or female) 

Champion Blue Texel. James Bailey - Ewe

Reserve Blue Texel. James Bailey - Shearling Gimmer




Beltex Ram Lamb

1. William Beckwith

2. M & E Jennings

3. Colin Clemitt

4. M & E Jennings

Beltex Gimmer Lamb

1. M & E Jennings

2. William Beckwith

3. M & E Jennings

Beltex Shearling Ram

1. William Beckwith

2. M & E Jennings

3. William Beckwith

Beltex Ram, 2 shear and over

1. M & E Jennings

2. Colin Clemitt

3. William Beckwith

Beltex Shearling Gimmer

1. William Beckwith

2. Archie Clavin

3. M & E Jennings

4. William Beckwith

Beltex Ewe to have Suckled Lambs this year

1. William Beckwith

2. Colin Clemitt

3. M & E Jennings

Group comprising 1 male and 2 females of different ages

1. William Beckwith

2. M & E Jennings

3. Colin Clemitt

Best Animal in Beltex Section

Champion Beltex. William Beckwith - Shearling Gimmer

Reserve Beltex. M & E Jennings –




Suffolk Ram Lamb

1. Kate Crossley

2. Alfred Gornall

Suffolk Gimmer Lamb

1. Kate Crossley

2. Katie Bachelor

3. Katie Bachelor

4. Henry Tyson

5. Kate Crossley

Suffolk Shearling Ram

1. Katie Bachelor

Suffolk Shearling Gimmer

1. Katie Bachelor

2. Poppy Waddington

3. Poppy Waddington

Suffolk Ewe to have Suckled Lambs this year

1. Katie Bachelor

2. Alfred Gornall

3. Lydia Mackenzie

Group comprising 1 male and 2 females of different ages

1. Katie Bachelor

2. Kate Crossley

3. Alfred Gornall

Any Animal in Suffolk section that has not won a prize in any class

1. Alfred Gornall

2. Poppy Waddington

3. Lydia Mackenzie

Best Animal in Suffolk Section

Champion Suffolk. Katie Bachelor Aged Ewe

Reserve Suffolk. Katie Bachelor




Gritstone Ram Lamb

1. Scriven

2. Darren Law

3. Darren Law

Gritstone Shearling Ram

1. Scriven

2. A clough

3. N pepper

Gritstone Ram, 2 shear and over

1. Scriven

2. D law

3. N pepper

Gritstone Gimmer Lamb

1. Darren Law

2. Nigel Pepper

3. S & P Scriven

4. Anna Clough

5. Nigel Pepper/Edie King

Gritstone Shearling Gimmer

1. Chris Brett

2. Anna Clough

3. Jonathan Shorrock

Gritstone Ewe

1. Nigel Pepper

2. Darren Law

3. Anna Clough

4. Thomas Hizzard

Group, comprising Ram Shearling or upwards, Gimmer Shearling or upwards and Ram or Gimmer Lamb

1. S & P Scriven

2. Anna Clough

3. Darren Law

Best Animal in Gritstone Section (male or female)

Champion Gritstone. Chris Brett - Gimmer Shearling

Reserve Gritstone. S & P Scriven - Tup Shearling




Lonk Ram Lamb

1. John Chadwick

2. N Pepper (E King)

3. Susan Bosworth

4. S & P Scriven

Lonk Shearling Ram

1. George Morton

2. S & P Scriven

3. B & E Thorpe

Lonk Ram, 2 shear and over

1. Nathan Brown

2. B & E Thorpe

3. George Morton

Lonk Gimmer Lamb

1. B & E Thorpe

2. Chris Brett

3. Nathan Brown

4. S & P Scriven

5. Jonathan Shorrock

Lonk Shearling Gimmer

1. Chris Brett

2. Jonathan Shorrock

3. B & E Thorpe

4. Nathan Brown

Lonk Ewe

1. B & E Thorpe

2. Susan Bosworth

3. Jonathan Shorrock

Group, comprising Ram Shearling or upwards, Gimmer Shearling or upwards and Ram or Gimmer Lamb

1. B & E Thorpe

2. Nathan Brown

3. George Morton

Best Animal in Lonk Section (male or female)

Champion Lonk. Nathan Brown - Aged Ram

Reserve Lonk. Chris Brett - Gimmer Shearling



Two Prime Lambs, Continental Cross

1. MB Allen

2. Robert Peel

3. JW Stephenson

Two Prime Lambs, Mule or Masham

1. MB Allen

2. James Huck

3. JW Stockdale & Sons

Two Prime Lambs, Any Down Breed or Cross

1. MB Allen

2. JW Stockdale & Sons

3. Joanne Benson

Two Prime Lambs, Dalesbred, Swaledale, Lonk or Gritstone

1. James Huck

Two Prime Lambs, Any Other Breed or Cross

1. Jonathan Collier

Best Pair in Prime Lambs Section

Champion Prime Lambs. MB Allen A121

Reserve Prime Lambs. MB Allen A123




Zwartbles Ram Lamb

1. Harry Parsons

2. Laura Simpson

3. Tracey Harsley

Zwartbles Shearling Ram or older

1. Laura Simpson

2. A & K Robinson

3. Rachel Bain

Zwartbles Gimmer Lamb

1. C Slee

2. M Beckwith

3. C Slee

4. Laura Simpson

Zwartbles Gimmer Shearling

1. Tracey Harsley

2. A & K Robinson

3. C Slee

4. Adam Birch

Zwartbles Ewe to have Suckled Lambs this year

1. Adam Birch

2. Gail Baker

3. Rachel Bain

Group comprising 1 male and 2 females of different ages

1. Tracey Harsley

2. C Slee

3. Harry Parsons

Best Animal in Zwartbles Section (male or female)

Champion Zwartbles. Tracey Harsley Gimmer Shearling

Reserve Zwartbles. Adam Birch




Charollais Ram Lamb

1. Charles Marwood & Son

2. RJ & J Towers

3. Charles Marwood & Son

Charollais Gimmer Lamb

1. Charles Marwood & Son

2. Brown & Mason

3. Charles Marwood & Son

4. Henry Tyson

Charollais Shearling Ram

1. Charles Marwood & Son

Charollais Ram, 2 shear and over

1. RJ & J Towers

2. Brown & Mason

3. Charles Marwood & Son

Charollais Shearling Gimmer

1. Brown & Mason

2. RJ & J Towers

3. Charles Marwood & Son

Charollais Ewe to have Suckled Lambs this year

1. S & J Hobson

2. RJ & J Towers

3. Charles Marwood & Son

Group comprising 1 male and 2 females of different ages

1. Brown & Mason

2. Charles Marwood & Son

3. RJ & J Towers

Best Animal in Charollais Section (male or female)

Champion Charollais. Brown & Mason

Reserve Charollais. Charles Marwood & Son

Supreme Sheep in Show

Supreme Champion. Brown & Mason - Charollais

Reserve Supreme Champion. Katie Bachelor – Suffolk




Young Handler 5 years & under (on show day) of a sheep or lamb (any breed)

1. James Brown

2. Billy Challis

3. Jessica Dobson

Young Handler 6-10 years (on show day) of a sheep or lamb (any breed)

1. James Dobson

2. Ralph Pearson

3. Oliver Uttley

Young Handler 11-16 years (on show day) of a sheep or lamb (any breed)

1. Louie Battye

2. Archie Clavin

3. Jovi Wood

Champion Young Handlers

Champion Young Handler. James Dobson

Reserve Champion Young Handler. Louie Batty




Dairy Maiden Heifer, under 18 months on show day

1. GD & HM Herd 

2. A & SL Throup & Son 

3. A & SL Throup & Son 

4. GD & HM Herd

Dairy Heifer, in calf

1. GD & HM Herd

Dairy Heifer, in milk

1. Brian Moorhouse

2. Jennie Booth

3. Jennie Booth

4. Brian Moorhouse

5. A & SL Throup & Son

Dairy Cow, in calf

1. A & SL Throup & Son

Dairy cow, in milk

1. Jennie Booth

2. E J Fort & Daughters

3. Brian Moorhouse

4. A & SL Throup & Son

Dairy Group of Three

1. Jennie Booth

2. Brian Moorhouse

3. A & SL Throup & Son

4. GD & HM Herd

Holstein Friesian Champion

Champion. Jennie Booth

Reserve. Brian Moorhouse

Jersey Maiden Heifer, under 18 months on day of show

1. Raff Middleton

2. Belle Middleton

3. Grahame Armitage

Jersey Heifer, in-calf

1. Grahame Armitage

Jersey Heifer, in milk

1. Grahame Armitage

 Jersey Cow, in milk

1. Grahame Armitage

2. Fort - Minish Family

Jersey Champion

Champion. Grahame Armitage

Reserve. Fort - Minish Family

Any Other Dairy Breed Heifer, under 24 months, not in milk

1. J.E. Foster

Any Other Dairy Breed Champion

1. J.E. Foster

Supreme Dairy Champion

Champion. Jennie Booth

Reserve. Brian Moorhouse

Commercial Beef Local. Bullock, any breed

1. J.W Stephenson

Commerical Beef Local. Heifer, any breed

1. J.W Stephenson

Best local Animal in Commercial Beef Section

Champion. J.W Stephenson

Reserve. J.W Stephenson

Open. Bullock, any age, Continental, except British Blue Lightweight

1. DM & RE Capstick

2. J.W Stephenson

Open. Bullock, any age, Continental, except British Blue Heavyweight

1. Jennifer Hyslop

2. Georgina Laws

3. Richard Anderson

Open. Heifer, any breed, except British Blue, Lightweight

1. Georgina Laws

2. Simon Duerden

3. S & NV Jowett & Family

4. J.W Stephenson

5. David Bamforth

Open. Heifer, any breed, except British Blue, Lightweight

1. Jennifer Hyslop

2. J. C & B Mellin

3. Richard Anderson

4. Simon Duerden

5. DM & RE Capstick

Open. Bullock, Heavyweight, British Blue Cross

1. David Bamforth

Open. Heifer, Lightweight, British Blue Cross

1. J. C & B Mellin

2. J. C & B Mellin

Open. Heifer, Heavyweight, British Blue Cross

1. S & NV Jowett & Family

2. David Bamforth

Best Animal in Commercial Beef Section

Champion. Jennifer Hyslop

Reserve. Jennifer Hyslop

Highland Cow any age, in milk or in calf

1. Allison Whitehead

2. Mark Luscombe

3. Andrew Letton

Calf under 1 year

1. Andrew Letton

2. Allison Whitehead

Heifer, over 2 years

1. Stephen & Lesley Burnett

2. Allison Whitehead

Heifer, over 1 year and under 2 years

1. Allison Whitehead

2. Mark Luscombe

Pair, Any Age

1. Allison Whitehead

2. Mark Luscombe

3. Andrew Letton

Best Animal in Highland Section

Champion. Stephen & Lesley Burnett

Reserve. Allison Whitehead

Limousin Heifer under 1 year

1. Richard Anderson

2. JM & SP Cooper

Heifer, over 1 year and under 2 years

1. David Amsden

2. Charlotte Pendlebury

3. David Amsden

4. JM & SP Cooper

Heifer or Cow with or without calf at foot

1. Terry & Elaine Priestley

Limousin Bull, any age

1. David Amsden

2. Adam Atkins

3. J.W Stephenson

Limousin Pair of animals, owned by the same exhibitor

1. David Amsden

2. Adam Atkins

3. Terry & Elaine Priestley

Best Animal in Limousin Section

Champion. David Amsden

Reserve. Richard Anderson

British Blue Heifer, under 1 year

1. Joel Gill

British Blue Heifer, over 1 year and under 2 years

1. Dean Saunders

2. J.W Stephenson

3. Richard Maudsley

4. Richard Maudsley

British Blue Heifer or Cow with or without calf at foot

1. Mark & Elaine Hartley

2. Joel Gill

3. Shannon Crowther

4. Daniel Holmes

Bull, Any Age

1. Mark & Elaine Hartley

2. Shannon Crowther

3. Mark Ewbank

British Blue Pair of Animals owned by the same exhibitor

1. Mark Ewbank

2. Richard Maudsley

3. Mark & Elaine Hartley

Best Animal in British Blue Section

Champion. Mark & Elaine Hartley

Reserve. Mark & Elaine Hartley

AO Pedigree continental Female Under 18 months old

1. Simon Duerden

2. Simon Duerden

3. Gill Bentham

AO Pedigree Continental Female Over 18 months old

1. J.E Foster

2. Gill Bentham

3. Dean Saunders

4. Gill Bentham

AO Pedigree Continental Male, any age

1. K & AC Jackson & Son

2. Gill Bentham

Best Animal in the AO Pedigree Continental Section

Champion. J.E Foster

Reserve. Simon Duerden

AO Pedigree Native Female under 18 months old

1. Rebecca Culpan

2. D A Blockley

3. Sam France

4. Michael Daggett

5. Sam France

AO Pedigree Native Female Over 18 months old

1. S & NV Jowett & Family

2. Stuart Currie

3. John Croft

4. J & J Wilson

5. Tracy Severn

AO Pedigree Native Male, any age

1. J & J Wilson

2. Tracy Severn

3. D A Blockley

4. John Croft

AO Pedigree Pair of animals owned by the same exhibitor

1. Tracy Severn

2. John Croft

3. Sam France

4. D A Blockley

Best Animal in the AO Pedigree Native Breed Section

Champion. J & J Wilson

Reserve. Rebecca Culpan

Supreme Beef Champion

Champion. Jennifer Hyslop

Reserve. Mark & Elaine Hartley

The Three Show Championship

Champion. S & NV Jowett & Family




Dairy Young Handler

1. Katie Herd

2. Lucy Goulding

3. Sidney Throup

4. Winnie Throup

Beef Young Handler

1. JP North

2. Callum Ewbank

3. E Cooper

4. Darcie Prince

Beef Young Handler

1. Lucie Culpan

2. Isobel North

3. Mark Ewbank Jnr

4. Max Tesseyman






Ridden Hunter

1 (Georgiana Trophy). Katrina Braithwaite, Jasper

2. Holly Parry, Persian Silk,

3. Elizabeth Uttley, Baltydaniel Hercules

4. Ms Elizabeth Somers, Cornhill Tiawanna

Ridden Coloured

1. Rachael Motley, Wee Chieftain

2. Ophelia Burcher-Greenfield, Bruc

3.Sarah Black, Jenson

4. Clara Mason, Flash Dance

Ridden Cob

1. Tracey Tomlinson, Whitewood Boy

2. Clara Mason, Flash Dance

3. Sophie Falshaw, Chester

4. Rachael Motley, Wee Chieftain

Retrained Racehorse

1 (Countrywide Flame Trophy). Katherine Linkogel, Ask Paddy

2. Laura Ward, Taramill

Ridden Horse Championship

Champion (The Secret Drawer Trophy). Katrina Braithwaite, Jasper

Reserve. Tracey Tomlinson, Whitewood Boy




Mixed Height Mountain & Moorland Working Hunter

1. Lucy Wright, Cosford Fair Play (S)

2. Eden Ward, Maesmynach Y Pennaeth (L)

3. Francesa Knowles, Foyleview Sandy (L)

4. Gail Ainsworth, Newsham Ringo Star

Working Hunter Under 15hh

1. Izzy Wood, Janpete Daisy Chain

Novice Working Hunter 15hh and over

1. Jo Ainsworth, Limbo

2. Katrina Braithwaite, Jasper

3. Eden Ward, Maesmynach Y Pennaeth

4. Annie Parker, Duke

Open Working Hunter 15hh and over

1. Jo Ainsworth, Limbo

Working Hunter Championship

Champion (The Phillipson Trophy). Jo Ainsworth, Limbo

Reserve. Lucy Wright, Cosford Fair Play (S)

Supreme Show Championship

Champion (The Ellison Cup). Lucy Wright, Cosford Fair Play (S)

Reserve. Jo Ainsworth, Limbo




In Hand Small Breeds Mountain & Moorland

1.Jennie Reece, Coffeepot Isabella

2. Stephanie Fryer, Winneydene Moonstruck

3. Megan Jayne Jones, Pumphill Broli

4. Isobel North, Flashley Minnehaha

In Hand Large Breeds Mountain & Moorland (pure bred)

1. Nicky Caruso, Sparket Sassy Lass

2. Emma Motley, Oak Rockafella

3. Helen Robinson, Waterside Lily

4. Liam Thompson, Castle Hill Lady Penelope

Open Ridden Small Breeds Mountain & Moorland (pure bred)

1. Izzy Wood, Janpete Daisy Chain

2. Annie Hannon, Warrackston Little Jet

3. Lucy Wright, Cosford Fair Play

Open Ridden Large Breeds Mountain & Moorland

1. Helen Robinson, Waterside Lily

2. Francesa Knowles, Foyleview Sand

3. Emma Cooper, Sparket Sassy Lassy

4. Emma Motley, Oak Rockafella

Mountain & Moorland Championship

Champion (Wymingbrook Stud Shield). Helen Robinson, Waterside Lily

Reserve. Izzy Wood, Janpete Daisy Chain


IN-HAND CLASSES – Eleanor Tomlinson Arena


Young Handler aged 16 and under

1. Elinor Hannon, Criccieth Jurisa

2. Jessica Stancliffe, Synod Miss Sapphire

3. Ella-Mae Stancliffe, Lotus Point Holly

Senior Handler aged over 16 years on show day

1. Nicola Worsley, Gurraun Romas View

2. Kelly Ellis, Flower Power

3. Heidi Longthorne, Salerna River Lady

Condition in Hand. Any age or size

1. Reece Wolfenden, Tamaskan Viole

2. Kelly Ellis, Flower Power

3. Jessica Stancliffe, Synod Miss Sapphire

In-hand Championship

Champion (Monreith Madonna Trophy). Nicola Worsley, Gurraun Romas View

Reserve. Reece Wolfenden, Tamaskan Violet


RIDDEN CLASSES – Eleanor Tomlinson Arena


Lead-rein any type, breed, size

1. Ella-Mae Stancliffe, Lotus Point Holly

2. Amelia Jayne Beckwith, Pumphill Brolin

3. Isla Hare Renshaw, Juniper

First-ridden showing

1. Clara Mason, Flash Dance

Walk & Trot

1. Aimee Taylor, Dukeshill Marshmallow

2. Matilda Mason, Flash Dance

3. Elinor Hannon, Criccieth Jurisa

Veteran Horse/Pony (Equines over 15)

1. Sarah Metcalfe, Maggie Mae

2. Emma Cooper, Gem (G-Rubina)

3. Aimee Taylor, Dukeshill Marshmallow

Junior Equitation, rider 16 years and under

1. Sophie Falshaw, Chester

2. Clara Mason, Flash Dance

Senior Equitation, rider over 16 years

1. Ms Elizabeth Somers, Cornhill Tiawann

2. Emma Cooper, Gem (G-Rubina)

Ridden Championship

Champion (The Stocks Ruaraidh Trophy). Sarah Metcalfe, Maggie Mae

Reserve. Clara Mason, Flash Dance




Best Turned Out

1. Isla Hare

2. Violet Jones

3. Eva Platt

4. Matilda Mason, Chancer Mason

5. Amelia Appleyard

6. Hannah Tywang

Walk/Trot/Canter Class (no jumps)

1. Amelia Appleyard

2. Matilda Mason, Chancer Mason

25cm jumping

1. Imogen Jones

2. Aimee Taylor

3. Jack Lambert

4. Violet Jones

5. Philippa Clarke

6. Jessica Stancliffe

45cm Jumping

1. Oliva Freeman

2. Imogen Jones

3. Matilda Mason, Chancer Mason

4. Pippa Clarke

5. Amelia Appleyard

6. Jack Lambert

60cm Jumping

1. Imogen Jones

2. Jack Lambert

Chase-me-Charlie (aka Puissance)

1. Charlie Taylor

2. Jack Lambert

 3. Aimee Taylor






Brood Mare with Foal at foot

1. Richard Bedford, Hartcliff Madalena

2. Craig Wilkins, Oaklodge Maisie

3. David Beardmore, Chorleys Sunshine

Foal, Colt or Filly, born in 2022, to be shown in ring with or without mare

1. Richard Bedford, Hartcliff Dua Lipa

2. Rodney Summer, Wheathead Princess Anne

3. Craig Wilkins, Oaklodge Rex Class

Yearling, Colt, Gelding or Filly

1. Shelia Cockcroft, Springwell Sapphire

Two-year-old, Colt, Gelding or Filly

1. David Beardmore, Sonltey Lillibet

2. Shelia Cockcroft, Springwell Sapphire

Barren Mare, Gelding or Filly, 3 years and over

1. Joseph Suleman, Graywood Lady Pauline

Best Animal in Shire Horses Section

1. Richard Bedford, Hartcliff Madalena

2. David Beardmore, Sonltey Lillibet




BRHHS Eversley Ridden Heavy Horses

1. Hannah Krajewski, Graywood Lady Paulin




A Bottle of Home-made Wine - Red, White or Rose                     

1. Amy Gibbon            

2. James Greenwood              

Bottle of Home-made Fruit Cordial                         

1. Alison Metcalfe     

2. Julie Carlisle           

3. James Greenwood

Bottle of Home-made Lemonade               

1. Alison Metcalfe     

2. Julie Carlisle           

3. Wendy Gibson       

Bottle of Flavoured Vodka               

1. Ian Scott    

2. Alison Metcalfe                    

Bottle of fruit flavoured gin                            

1. Andrew Schofield 

2. Dan Stockdale       

3. Ian Scott    

3 brown eggs              

1. Catherine Kitching

2. Helen Dinsdale      

3. Lisa Eaton  

3 white/cream eggs               

1. Charlotte Chute    

2. Debra Hardcastle 

3. Hazel Gamble        

3 eggs of the same colour                

1. Rebecca Launders             

2. Holly Parry 

3. Hazel Gamble        

Loaf of white Bread               

1. Alison Metcalfe     

2. Ian Moulding                         

3. Four Bread roles                  

4. Ian Moulding           

5. Alison Metcalfe     

6. Rachel Taylor          

Granary Loaf               

1. Alison Metcalfe     

2. Melvin Wynn           

3. Ian Moulding           

Savoury Flavoured Bread                 

1. Claire Spencer       

2. Chris Critchley      

3. Sarah Hill   

Sourdough Loaf                      

1. Angela Monaghan

2. Ian Moulding                         

Local. Rich Fruit Cake                        

1. Julie Carlisle           

2. Sophie Cayhill       

3. Charlotte Chute    

Open. Rich Fruit Cake                        

1. Alison Metcalfe     

2. Catherine Greenwood      

3. Julie Carlisle           

Local. Victoria Sandwich Cake with jam filling                

1. Julie Carlisle           

2. Raymond Denton 

3. Rebecca Launders             

Open. Victoria Sandwich Cake with jam filling 

1. Hazel Gamble        

2. Alison Metcalfe     

3. Rachel Taylor          

A cake or loaf containing a vegetable.                    

1. Racheal Bradley    

2. Alison Metcalfe     

3. Hazel Gamble        

Chocolate Cake, not to be iced or filled                

1. Rosalyn Wynn        

2. Rachel Taylor          

3. Hazel Gamble        

4. Iced Coffee Cake                

5. Alison Metcalfe     

6. Rebecca Launders                           

Four Sweet Muffins in cases, any variety                            

1. Jennifer Holmes    

2. Hannah Wade        

3. Wendy Gibson       

A Gluten free cake                 

1. Catherine Kitching

2. Rachel Taylor                        

Cherry Cake, to be baked to the given recipe                   

1. Amy Gibbon            

2. Rachel Taylor          

3. Alice Daggett          

Open. Cake, Any variety                   

1. Sarah Jagger           

2. Kelsey Ann Williamson     

3. Rachel Taylor          

Gentleman only cake                         

1. Robert Tyson          

2. Micheal Daggett    

3. Matt Stockdale      

Four pieces of Tray Bake                   

1. Lizzy Dennison       

2. Julie Carlisle           

3. Hazel Gamble        

Four Butterfly Buns               

1. Alison Metcalfe     

2. Debra Hardcastle 

3. Julie Carlisle           

Six Ginger Biscuits                 

1. Hannah Wade        

2. Hazel Gamble        

3. Rachel Taylor          

Lemon Drizzle Golden Syrup Cake                          

1. Alice Daggett          

2. Alison Metcalfe     

3. Rachel Taylor          

Six Chocolate Chip Cookies                         

1. Rachel Taylor          

2. Louise Stockdale  

3. Helen Mason          

Four Scones, Fruit                 

1. Claire Spencer       

2. Alison Metcalfe     

3. Linda Windle          

Four Scones, Cheese                         

1. Judith Lancaster   

2. Rachel Taylor          

3. Chris Critchley      

Round of Plain Shortbread, uncut                            

1. Hazel Gamble        

2. Katy Mason

3. Alison Metcalfe     

A Banana Loaf                          

1. Wendy Gibson       

2. Rosalyn Wynn        

3. Rebecca Launders             

Four Chocolate Brownies                

1. Kate Borrill

2. Hannah Metcalfe  

3. Louise Stockdale  

A Tea Loaf                     

1. Helen Mason          

2. Alison Metcalfe     

3. Chris Critchley      

A Yorkshire Curd Tart                          

1. Rachel Taylor          

2. Helen Mason                        

A grazing Board for two people                    

1. Alison Metcalfe     

2. Sarah Hill   

3. Elizabeth Appleton-Hall   

Savoury Flan              

1. Kelsey Ann Williamson     

2. Rachael Schofield

3. Chris Critchley      

Four Decorated Cup Cakes                           

1. Racheal Bradley    

2. Charley Holland    

3. Judith Lancaster   

Four Pieces of no-bake Rocky Road                        

1. Rachel Taylor          

2. Graham Brown       

3. Alison Smith           

Six Home-made Fudge                      

1. Julie Carlisle           

2. Rachel Taylor          

3. Judith Lancaster   

One Jar of Raspberry Jam                

1. Alison Metcalfe     

2. Debra Hardcastle 

3. Ian Scott    

One Jar of Strawberry Jam               

1. Rachel Taylor          

2. Amy Gibbon            

3. Alison Metcalfe     

One Jar of Blackcurrant Jam                         

1. Amy Gibbon            

2. Julie Carlisle           

3. Alison Metcalfe     

One Jar of Jam, any other variety                

1. Alison Metcalfe     

2. Rebecca Kendall   

3. Hazel Gamble        

One Jar of Marmalade, any variety                           

1. Alison Metcalfe     

2. Claire Spencer                     

One Jar of Lemon Curd                      

1. Alison Metcalfe     

2. Frances Wallbank 

3. Sophie Cayhill       

A jar of pickled fruit or vegetables                            

1. Alison Metcalfe     

2.Rachel Taylor           

3. Jill Coope   

One Jar of Chutney, any variety                   

1. Ian Scott    

2. Angela Monaghan

3. Alison Metcalfe     

Tot's Choice, Edible item uncooked, child 4 years and under

1. Nancy Akrigg          

2. Albert Dean             

3. Rue Schindler        

4. Dilys Akrigg

Tot's Choice, Edible item uncooked, child 6 years and under              

1. Violet Baines          

2. Matilda Dean          

3. Ruby Dinsdale       

4. Oscar Muff

Victoria Sandwich Cake, with jam filling 7-11                  

1. Harrison Greenwood         

2. Douglas Dinsdale 

3. Hannah Metcalfe  

4. Oliver Haseldine

Four Decorated Cup Cakes 7-11                 

1. Connie Prince        

2. Aimee Smith           

3. Beatrix Miller          

4. Darcie Prince

Four Butterfly Buns 7-11                   

1. Maisie Richards    

2. Hannah Metcalfe  

3. Lydia Chute             

Four Chocolate Chip Cookies 7-11                          

1. Grace Pearson       

2. Pippa Clarke           

3. Lucy Tyson

4. Aaron Tywang

Four Pieces of Shortbread 7-11                   

1. Hannah Metcalfe                              

Four Decorated Biscuits, any variety 7-11                          

1. Maddie O'Sullivan

2. Samson Muff                         

Four Jam Tarts 7-11               

1. Edward Kendall     

2. Lydia Chute                           

Victoria Sandwich Cake, with jam filling 12-16                

1. Grace Ramsden    

2. Hannah Tywang    

3. Amy Mudd 

4. Oliver Smith

Four pieces of Tray Bake 12-16                    

1. Alexander Clarke  

2. Amy Mudd 

3. Grace Ramsden    

4. Hannah Tywang

Four Chocolate Chip Cookies 12-16                       

1. Olivia Huck

2. Oliver Smith            

3. Philip Hall  

4. Amy Mudd                                             

Four pieces of Rocky Road 12-16               

Grace Ramsden




Picture 4 years and under

1. Bonnie Metcalfe

2. Robert Stephenson

3. Nancy Akrigg

4. Ben Stockdale

Picture 5-7 years

1. John Stephenson

2. Oscar Muff

3. Ruby Dinsdale

4. Harrison Greenwood

Picture 8-11 years

1. Edward Kendall

2. Pippa Clarke

3. Elise Wallace Drage

4. Molly Miller

Picture 12-16 years

1. Scarlett Walker

2. Chloe Boothman

3. Hannah Tywang

A model of a Duck 8-16 years

1. Douglas Dinsdale

2. Beatrix Miller

3. Ben Huck

4. Edward Dobson

Soft Toy 16 years and under

1. Harrison Greenwood

2. Sienna Spencer

An Animal any medium 4 yrs and under

1. Iris Holmes

2. Freddie Hollis

3. Percy Parry

4. William Huck

Decorated Paper Plate 5-7 years

1. Eddie Haseldine

2. Livvie Spencer

3. John Stephenson

4. Peony Gill

Create a design for a mobile phone case 8-16 years

1. Alexander Clarke

2. Aimee Smith

3. Oliver Smith

4. James Coope

A pressed Flower Bookmark 12 years and under

1. Isobel Barber

2. Edward Kendall

3. Agatha Mason

4. James Dobson

Handwriting in pencil 5-7 years

1. Abbie Huck

2. Cole Holmes

3. Harrison Greenwood

4. Elsie Harsley

Handwriting in biro or ink 8-11 years

1. James Dobson

2. Molly Miller

3. Grace Pearson

4. Maisie Richards

A decorated T-Shirt 16 years and under

1. Daisy Sullivan

2. Sienna Spencer

3. Livvie Spencer

4. Oliver Smith

A decorated Egg Box by child 7 years and under

1. Matilda Dean

2. James Hird

3. Elsie Harsley

4. Harrison Greenwood

Figure of an Animal made from Vegetables 8-16 years

1. Grace Ramsden

2. Ben Huck

3. Alexander Clarke

4. Maisie Richards

A Bug Hotel 8-16 years

1. Ben Brown

2. Samson Muff

3. Grace Ramsden

One Decorated Stone 4 years and under

1. Albert Dean

2. Iris Holmes

3. Bonnie Metcalfe

4. Sophie Dennison

One Decorated Stone 5-7 years

1. Will Barber

2. Eddie Haseldine

3. John Stephenson

4. Eddy Stockdale

One Decorated Stone 8 Years plus

1. James Coope

2. Finley Harsley

3. Maddie O'Sullivan

4. Isobel Barber

A Lego Model 7 years and under

1. Jacob Adams

2. Jack Hollis

3. John Stephenson

4. Harrison Greenwood

A Lego Model 8-16 years

1. Isobel Akrigg

2. Philip Hall

3. Aaron Tywang

4. James Dobson

A model of an insect from Recyclable Materials 7 years and under

1. Pippa Parry

2. Eddie Haseldine

3. Peony Gill

4. Ruby Dinsdale

A model of an insect from Recyclable Materials 8 - 16 years

1. James Coope

2. Isobel Barber

3. Edward Kendall

4. Oliver Haseldine

One Decorated Hard Boiled Egg 7 years and under

1. Robert Stephenson

2. Matilda Dean

3. Albert Dean

4. Ben Stockdale

One Decorated Hard Boiled Egg 8-16 years

1. Douglas Dinsdale

2. Erin McLafferty

3. James Coope

4. Ben Huck

A Potato printed design 7 years and under

1. Robert Stephenson

2. Cole Holmes

3. Albert Dean

4. Matilda Dean

A Potato printed design 8 -16 years

1. Beatrix Miller

2. Pearl Baines

3. Erin McLafferty

A Christmas tree decoration 16 years and under

1. Sam Coope

2. John Stephenson

3. Robert Stephenson

4. James Coope

A shop in a shoe box 16 years and under

1. Lucy Tyson

2. Daisy Sullivan

3. Harrison Greenwood

4. Sienna Spencer

Design a poster 8-16 years

1. James Dobson

2. Sam Coope

3. Oliver Haseldine

4. Edward Kendall

Photograph any subject 16 years and under

1. Lucy Tyson

2. Grace Ramsden

3. Hannah Tywang

Photograph of any animal 16 years and under

1. Aaron Tywang

2. Peony Gill

3. Grace Ramsden

Photograph colour or black/white

1. Sharon Orr

2. Gemma Dobson

3. Linda Windle

Photograph “Has seen better days”

1. Kevin Haseldine

2. Eleanor Stevens

3. Mark Robinson

Photograph “Seasonal Sensations”

1. Charlotte Chute

2. Susan Spencer

3. Jonathan Gibson

A Christmas tree decoration, any medium

1. Rebecca Kendall

2. Graham Brown

3. Gillian Humprey

A set of four table mats

1. Val Du Ross

2. Shirley Kinder

3. Susan Spencer

A piece of hand-made jewellery

1. Elizabeth Appleton-Hall

2. Eleanor Stevens

A Peg Bag

1. Gillian Humprey

2. Julie Carlisle

3. Susan Spencer

A soft toy, any medium

1. Susan Spencer

2. Gillian Humprey

3. Shirley Kinder

A greetings card, any medium

1. Eleanor Stevens

2. Sarah Carroll

3. Rachel Hargreaves

An item of feltwork

1. Judith Lancaster

2. Linda Hardman

3. Val Du Ros

An item of Cross Stitch or Counted Thread work

1. Eleanor Stevens

2. Alice Daggett

3. Val Du Ross

A knitted item made from 50g ball of wool

1. K. Carlisle

2. Shirley Kinder

3. Linda Hardman

Hand-knitted Adult Garment

1. Susan Spencer

Hand-knitted Child’s Garment

1. Julie Bateson

A Knitted Hat

1. Alexina Iveson

2. Susan Spencer

3. Shirley Kinder

A Lego Model – 16 years and over

1. Jed Stockdale

2. Tom Akrigg

A piece of Crochet work

1. Gillian Humprey

2. Linda Hardman

3. Catherine Greenwood (2)

A Handbag

1. Gillian Humprey

2. Lewis Adams

3. Susan Spencer

Best hand-knitted garment in show

1. K. Carlisle

2. Alexina Iveson

Best Open Exhibit in adult handicrafts – not won best in show

1. Gillian Humprey

2. Eleanor Stevens

Best Local Exhibit in Adult handicrafts – not won best in show

1. Judith Lancaster

2. Val Du Ross

Best exhibit in Adults Handicrafts section

1. Gillian Humprey

Picture, any subject, in black and white

1. Roy Burgin

2. Cynthia Walker

3. Susan Spencer

A coloured work

1. Cynthia Walker

2. Roy Burgin

3. Lily Hall

A mixed media picture

1. Susan Spencer

2. Angela Monaghan

3. Cynthia Walker




One Rose

1.Peter Ridsdale

2. Jill Coope

3.Dorothy Dean

Three Roses

1. Peter Ridsdale

2. Michelle Miller

Nine Sweet Peas

1. Roy Harrison

2. Abigail Daggett

3. Roy Harrison

Six Calendulas

1. Peter Ridsdale

2. Ian Scott

3. Sarah Hill

Vase of Mixed Perennials

1. Peter Ridsdale

2. Sarah Hill

3. Val Du Ross

Six Nasturtiums

1. Kevin Haseldine

2. Rebecca Kendall

3. Sarah Hill

Three Decorative Dahlias

1. Peter Ridsdale

2. Dorothy Dean

Collection of Flowers from the Garden

1. Clare Downing

2. Gill Scott

3. Peter Ridsdale

Six Violas or Pansies

1. Dorothy Dean

2. Peter Ridsdale

A Flowering Fuchsia Plant

1. Peter Ridsdale

Vase of Five Hosta Leaves

1. Dorothy Dean

2. Julie Carlisle

3. Sarah Hill

Five spikes of Stocks

1. Peter Ridsdale

A vase of Daisy variety

1. Sarah Hill

One Flowering Pot Plant (not Fuchsia)

1. Peter Ridsdale

Three stems of Flowering shrub

1. Sarah Hill

2. Michelle Miller

Six Pods Peas

1. Peter Ridsdale

2. Raymond Denton

3. Ian Scott

Six Pods Broad Beans

1. Ian Scott

2. Roy Harrison

3. Peter Ridsdale

Four pods Runner Beans

1. Roy Harrison

2. Peter Ridsdale

3. Ian Scott

One Lettuce

1. Peter Ridsdale

Three Carrots

1. Roy Harrison

2. Roy Harrison

3. Ian Moulding

Three dressed onions

1. Peter Ridsdale

2. Ian Moulding

3. Roy Harrison

Three Beetroots

1. Peter Ridsdale

2. Sophie Cayhill

3. Ian Scott

Two cucumbers

1. Peter Ridsdale

2. Michelle Miller

3. Roy Harrison

Two Courgettes

1. Raymond Denton

2. Peter Ridsdale

3. Ian Scott

Five Tomatoes

1. Peter Ridsdale

2. Raymond Denton

3. Julie Carlisle

Five Potatoes white

1. Peter Ridsdale

2. David Inskip

3. Roy Harrison

Five potatoes coloured

1. Peter Ridsdale

2. Roy Harrison

A Trug or Basket of four mixed home grown vegetables

1. Roy Harrison

2. Ian Moulding

3. Ian Scott

One item of wonky vegetable

1. Susan Spencer

2. Roy Harrison

3. Julie Carlisle

Nine Shallots

1. Peter Ridsdale

2. Ian Scott

A container of Cress 7 years or under

1. Bonnie Metcalfe

Three Potatoes, One Kind 7 years or under

1. Harrison Greenwood

2. Ruby Dinsdale

3. Matilda Dean

4. Evelyn Eggleston

A Salad vegetable 7 years or under

1. Evelyn Eggleston

Three Potatoes, One Kind 8-16 years

1. James Coope

2. Sam Coope

3. Philip Hall

4. Henry Eggleston

Three Tomatoes, One Kind 8-16 years

1. Edward Kendall

A green vegetable 8-16 years

1. Sam Coope

2. James Coope

3. Edward Kendall

An arrangement in a Drinking Glass

1. Eleanor Stevens

2. Sarah Hill

3. Clare Downing

Two Buttonholes for a couple attending the same occasion

1. Eleanor Stevens

2. Caroline Prine

A Door Wreath for any occasion

1. Clare Downing

2. Julie Carlisle

3. Eleanor Stevens

A Bridesmaid’s Flower Crown

1. Eleanor Stevens

2. Julie Carlisle

3. Judith Lancaster

A miniature Flower arrangement in an egg cup

1. Gill Scott

2. Eleanor Stevens

3. Rebecca Kendall

An exhibit incorporating three flower heads

1. Philip Hall

2. Grace Ramsden

A fruit and floral arrangement

1. Grace Ramsden

2. Philip Hall

3. Molly Miller

An arrangement using fresh herbs

1. Denise Denton

2. Judith Lancaster

3. Ruth Hall

A Table Decoration incorporating five flower heads

1. Ruth Hall

2. Ruth Hall

3. Judith Lancaster

An exhibit entitled “Think Pink”

1. Judith Lancaster

2. Ruth Hall

Best arrangement in show

1. Judith Lancaster




Section of Meadow Hay

1. A L Dean

2. A L Dean

3. Miles Bentham

Clamp Silage, to be exhibited in a plastic container

1. Charles Kitching

2. A L Dean

3. J W Stockdale

Bale Silage, to be exhibited in a plastic container

1. Helen Hird

2. A L Dean

3. Miles Bentham

Bale Haylage, to be exhibited in a plastic container

1. J W Stephenson

2. A L Dean

3. David Wade




Working Dog or Bitch

1. Ed Thornalley, Bess

2. Stephen Duckworth, Fleet

3. Shirley Duckworth, Harry

4. Tina Bennet, Belle

5. Garry Miller, Pik

6. Carol Mellin, Pentre Bot

7. Ian Ibbotson, Sal

8. Tony Birkett, Mo




Open. Each competitor shall rid and re-wall up to 3 yds

1. Lydia Noble

2. Philip Smith

3. Alfie Brown

4. Simon Mophet

5. Lister Brown

6. Bobby Gard Storey

Junior Open, for competitors under 21 years on Show Day. Each competitor shall rid and re-wall 2 yds

1. Joe Charnley

2. William Hargreaves




Open. Best Vintage Tractor, pre 1975.

1. Richard Newbould

2. Sam Chapman

3. Vincent Pickles

Open. Best Vintage Tractor with Implements.

1. Lisa Eaton

2. Edwin Smith

3. Alan Shepherd Class

Open. Best Tractor, post 1975.

1. David Throup

2. Jonny Walmsley

3. Jonny Walmsley

Open. Any Other Agricultural Vehicle, pre 1994.

1. Matthew Mason

2. Paul Lucas

Best Original

Ian Townend

Best Vintage

Richard Newbould




Horn headed walking stick, plain

1. David Gardener

2. Eddy Forster

3. David Gardener

4. Ian Smith

Horn headed walking stick, fancy

1. Eddy Forster

2. Paul Daunt

3. Paul Daunt

4. Eddy Forster

Dressed walking stick, wood headed, plain

1. David Gardener

2. Paul Daunt

3. David Gardener

4. Eddy Forster

Dressed walking stick, wood headed, fancy

1. David Gardener

2. Eddy Forster

3. Paul Daunt

4. Eddy Forster

Dressed walking stick, from root

1. David Gardener

2. David Gardener

Lady’s horn headed walking stick

1. David Gardener

2. Eddy Forster

3. Eddy Forster

4. David Gardener

Shepherd’s crook, horn headed, plain

1. David Gardener

2. David Gardener

3. Ian Smith

4. Eddy Forster

Shepherd’s crook, horn headed, fancy

1. Eddy Forster

2. Eddy Forster

3. S Bragg

4. S Bragg

Shepherd’s crook, wood headed, plain, 1 piece

1. David Gardener

2. David Gardener

3. Ian Smith

4. Ian Smith

Shepherd’s crook, wood headed, plain, 2 piece

1. David Gardener

2. Ian Smith

3. Ian Smith

4. S Bragg

Shepherd’s crook, wood headed, fancy, 1 or 2 piece

1. Eddy Forster

2. David Gardener

Thumb stick, horn headed

1. Eddy Forster

2. Eddy Forster

3. David Gardener

4. Ian Smith

Thumb stick, natural, one piece

1. Ian Smith

2. Ian Smith

3. David Gardener

4. Paul Daunt

Leg crook

1. David Gardener

2. Ian Smith

3. Ian Smith

4. David Gardener

Half-headed horn stick

1. Paul Daunt

2. Eddy Forster

3. Ron Parker

4. Paul Daunt

Walking stick with antler head, plain

1. Paul Daunt

2. Ian Smith

3. Paul Daunt

4. Eddy Forster

Walking stick with antler head, fancy

1. Paul Daunt

2. Paul Daunt

3. Eddy Forster

4. Eddy Forster

Novice, any type of stick, no person may enter as a novice if they have competed in any open stick making competition before 1st January 2022

1. David Bowman

2. Andrew Coupe

3. Andrew Coupe

4. David Bowman

Best exhibit in stick section

Champion. David Gardener

Reserve Champion. David Gardener