A BRADFORD nursery is celebrating after receiving a 'Good' rating following an Ofsted inspection.

Kids Planet Woodside, which is based at Halifax Road, was awarded an overall rating of 'Good' after an inspection on July 24. The nursery was rated under the old system whereby single word headlines were used. 

Kids Planet Woodside, which uses the outdoor Danish Udeskole to learning, is celebrating after receiving a good rating by OfstedKids Planet Woodside, which uses the outdoor Danish Udeskole to learning, is celebrating after receiving a good rating by Ofsted (Image: Newsquest)

Although their overall rating and the quality of education was deemed 'Good', the nursery was rated 'Outstanding' in a number of categories, including behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.

The Ofsted inspector wrote: “This fabulous nursery provides a superb level of education and support to children and their families.

“The highly knowledgeable and committed manager strives for excellence. She continually evaluates practice and introduces new approaches so that children experience a wide range of exciting activities.

Kids Planet Woodside, which uses the outdoor Danish Udeskole to learning, is celebrating after receiving a good rating by OfstedKids Planet Woodside, which uses the outdoor Danish Udeskole to learning, is celebrating after receiving a good rating by Ofsted (Image: Newsquest)

The inspector added: “There is a calmness about the nursery that is wonderfully planned to spark children's interest and provide challenge.

“The curriculum is meticulously planned across the whole nursery, with each room working on skills that children need before they progress to the next room.

“Children are eager to learn, enthusiastic and engrossed in their play.

Kids Planet Woodside, which uses the outdoor Danish Udeskole to learning, is celebrating after receiving a good rating by OfstedKids Planet Woodside, which uses the outdoor Danish Udeskole to learning, is celebrating after receiving a good rating by Ofsted (Image: Newsquest)

“Their physical development is supported through games involving balancing on temporary climbing structures.

“Inclusion and children's well-being are at the heart of the nursery and the whole team is skilled at providing timely support and intervention when required.

Kids Planet Woodside is celebrating after receiving a good rating by OfstedKids Planet Woodside is celebrating after receiving a good rating by Ofsted (Image: Newsquest)

“Collaboration and teamwork are evident across the nursery.”

Cherelle Webster, manager at Kids Planet Woodside, said: “I’m very happy about it. It’s down the great team we have.

“The management team always put in extra for the children and we train our staff to follow the Danish Udeskole approach to learning.”

“It’s an approach that uses a more outdoors set of skills.

“It allows children to climb trees and do the crazy things we did as kids.”

Kids Planet Woodside is celebrating after receiving a good rating by OfstedKids Planet Woodside is celebrating after receiving a good rating by Ofsted (Image: Newsquest)

The inspector added that “children develop a wonderful 'can-do' attitude and demonstrate superb independence skills” and it was noted that the “children are confident communicators”.

The report noted that “children's safety is paramount” and the nursery has “many ways in which they implement a secure environment”.

Children with additional needs make superb progress in their learning and knowledgeable staff implement highly effective assessment systems.

However, the Ofsted report did point out areas of improvement.

The inspector wrote: “Staff do not always introduce new and increasingly challenging vocabulary to develop children's language even further.

“To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should provide consistently high-quality interactions, with a focus on staff introducing new vocabulary to children.”