SUPPORTERS from across Skipton and Craven turned out in force on Saturday to help Share Skipton officially launch its new 'library of things'.

They were entertained by the Park Avenue Jazz Quartet, which generously performed for free, before Skipton Mayor, Councillor Claire Nash, welcomed the initiative and cut the ribbon – with shears borrowed from the library.

The guests, who included volunteers, funders, and representatives from a wide range of Skipton organisations, then enjoyed a slice of celebration cake, made and donated by Malwina from Quirky Bakes.

Share Skipton's library of things, in Newmarket Street, has more than 200 donated items, covering DIY, gardening, household appliances, hobbies and crafts, sports and games, outdoors equipment, and mobility aids, and more.

Anna Hillyard, volunteer digital technician, who designed Share Skipton’s website and created the branding, explained that she got involved at the very start because she thought a library of things was a great idea.

“My professional background is e-commerce, and I thought my skills would be useful. I really enjoy designing websites, so it's been a fun project to get involved with," she said.

David Noland, one of the volunteer librarians and a North Yorkshire councillor, said he had decided to volunteer because he strongly supports the concept of buying less and sharing more to reduce environmental impact. He said “I was delighted when a drill we donated, to the library, which we’d only used twice, was borrowed."

Chair, Angela Monaghan, thanked all the project’s funders, volunteers, trustees, everyone who had donated things to the library, and the people of Skipton for their enthusiastic support and added: "there are now over 230 donated items in the library – including the bunting and trestle tables used during our launch - and over 70 of these are free to borrow.”

Borrowing is easy and low-cost - items range from nothing at all for a pair of garden shears, to £25 for a medium-sized marquee. Borrowers first sign up as a member, which can be done online or in person. There is an online catalogue for members to browse and reserve before items are collected and returned after use. Items can be borrowed for a week, and extended if not reserved by someone else. Parking behind the library means members can collect and drop off items.

Current opening hours are Tuesdays, 4pm to 7pm; and Saturdays 10am to 1pm. For more information, go to or email