Craven Arts House is accommodating an up-and-coming oil painter, whose work will be exhibited at the venue and who will also be conducting workshops.

Luke Thompson, 30, of Wakefield, who has recently relocated to Settle, is moving into the Skipton space to connect with the region's artistic community, and to draw inspiration from the area's landscapes.

An exhibition of his work, called The Wayfarer, will run from Wednesday, September 18 until Saturday, October 12.

An open viewing and opportunity to meet Mr Thompson will take place on Friday, September 20 from 5pm to 8pm.

Mr Thompson will host art workshops at the Skipton venue, where an exhibition of his work will also be on displayMr Thompson will host art workshops at the Skipton venue, where an exhibition of his work will also be on display (Image: Supplied)

The exhibition will showcase new portraits and landscapes that invite viewers to see the natural world in a new light.

Alongside the exhibition, Mr Thompson will conduct two workshops, in which essential elements of drawing and painting will be covered and in which students will be guided through some fundamental techniques.

Foundations of Drawing and Painting, and the Landscape Painting Course, will both take place six times, with the first class taking place on September 18.

Mr Thompson said: "I’m thrilled to be moving to such a beautiful and culturally rich area.

"The landscapes of North Yorkshire are incredible, and I look forward to capturing their beauty in my work.

"I’m also excited to meet other local artists and share my work with the community for the first time at Craven Arts."

To book spaces for Mr Thompson's art classes, visit

For more information about Mr Thompson's exhibition, and to learn more about his work, visit