Skipton has been awarded the Fairtrade Foundation's 'Campaigner of the Month' status.

The award recognises the town's efforts, encouraged by Skipton Fairtrade Group, to support the Foundation's campaign for justice for low-income farmers overseas who produce coffee, tea, cocoa, bananas, and other well-loved products.

The Skipton Fairtrade Group furthers the Foundation's goals through a number of initiatives, including an annual Fairtrade competition for schools that is sponsored by businesses in the area.

This year, the competition saw students craft banners, posters, and cards from recycled materials to celebrate the Fairtrade brand.

The winning crafts were put on display at the Fairtrade Yorkshire Conference back in July.

Fairtrade Communities, like Skipton, are supposed to drive change by meeting five ‘Campaign Action Areas’.

These include boosting Fairtrade (encouraging the purchase and use of Fairtrade products); connecting Fairtrade (partnering with others in the Fairtrade movement and beyond); being ‘fair trade changemakers’ (growing support for fairer trade in the area); being Fairtrade ambassadors (raising awareness of how fairer trade supports social change); and being Fairtrade influencers (growing support for fairer trade through digital channels).

Since the first Fairtrade Town was announced in 2002, more than 650 Fairtrade Communities - from Fairtrade Villages, Towns, and Cities, to Fairtrade Boroughs, Counties, and Zones - have been established nationwide.

Liz Roodhouse, who does Fairtrade work with schools in Skipton, said: "We develop long term supportive relationships with teachers, helping them with strategies to engage their students with Fairtrade issues and to provide them with links to local Fairtrade businesses.

"It’s imperative that we all understand that, by choosing Fairtrade, we are helping to create a more sustainable and climate-friendly world."

Sarah Brazier, head of campaigning and engagement at the Fairtrade Foundation, said: "Skipton has achieved remarkable things in their community, and we are delighted to give them this award in recognition of their efforts.

"UK campaigners are a vital part of Fairtrade’s mission to ensure farmers and workers in low-income countries get the fair pay, better conditions and support they need to escape poverty, thrive into the future and tackle challenges such as the climate crisis.

"The power of collective action is incredible.

"If we all encourage our friends and family to choose Fairtrade products when they shop and ask our workplaces to support Fairtrade, it all adds up to make a big difference."

More information about Skipton Fairtrade Group is available at