An arts and literature group is set to explore the age-old tension between town and country life as it appears in the art of Shakespeare.

Upper Wharfedale Arts & Literature Society will host a voice, text, and language workshop dedicated to the playwright, as part of its Country Matters project.

Supported by Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust, the workshop is to take place at Kettlewell Village Hall, on October 12, from 10am until 4pm, for £5 per head.

Participants of all ages and experience levels are welcome.

Project director Ron Norman said: "During our previous session in June, many of us were astonished to discover the extraordinary topicality of Shakespeare’s treatment of the whole town versus country theme in plays such as A Midsummer Night’s Dream and As You Like It.

"This time we will be taking things further and delving more deeply into these plays, along with The Winter’s Tale.

"It’s all about having fun and games with Shakespeare’s language, and using the kinds of approaches to the texts developed in the rehearsal rooms of companies like the RSC to experience the unique power of these plays at first hand.

"The aim of the project is to allow everyone – especially those who may not always have had a positive experience of Shakespeare in the past – to experience the enjoyment to be had from an active engagement with his language and text, and to develop the skills and confidence to read and even perform his scripts."

The group plans to eventually perform an original scripted public presentation.

To find out more about the October 12 event and to sign up, contact