AN UPPER Wharfedale primary school with the motto ‘be ready, be respectful, be safe’ is celebrating after maintaining its 'good' rating from Ofsted.

Kettlewell Primary School, part of the Upper Wharfedale Primary Federation of schools, which also includes Burnsall, Cracoe and Rylstone and Grassington, has been described by inspectors as a good school where pupils 'love to learn'.

Following July's inspection of the school, which at the time had 29 pupils on its roll, the Ofsted inspection team said leaders have 'high expectations' for the achievement of pupils and plan "an ambitious curriculum enabling every child, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to thrive."

The report added that pupils 'enjoy the village school atmosphere'. It states: "They (pupils) feel safe and free from bullying. Strong relationships exist between staff and pupils. Pupils know that they can talk to an adult if they have a worry or concern. Pupils behave well, following the school rules of ‘be ready, be respectful, be safe’. They are kind and polite. One parent accurately describes the school as, ‘caring and inclusive where children shine brightly all of the time’."

Pupils at Kettlewell benefit from a 'wide variety of trips and after school clubs' that 'enhance their learning and support their wider development'. They also have a 'positive impact' on the school through leadership roles, feel 'part of decision making' and had a 'good understanding of democracy'.

The report adds the federation ensures the children do not feel the isolation of a small school with 'Federation Fridays' where the children learn a range of subjects with pupils from the other schools, including music and French.

Their behaviour is 'exemplary', they are self-motivated in lessons and eager to learn and reception children display 'high levels of independence and resilience.

Staff enjoy working at the school and are 'highly motivated' to help children succeed in their learning. One member of staff told inspectors, 'this is a tiny school with big ambitions'.

In order to do better, inspectors say the school needs to make sure it provides opportunities for pupils to extend maths learning.

Claire Greenwood, co-executive headteacher with Wendy Thompson, said: "Kettlewell is part of the Upper Wharfedale Primary Federation and the fourth Ofsted the federation has had in two years. We are delighted that the school remains good and feel the report reflects many of the things that makes Kettlewell such a special school. The children and staff shone on that day as they do everyday."