GREGG  Stevenson, from Foulridge, who won the gold medal with Lauren Rowles in Paris competing in the PR2 mixed double sculls, will be at Skipton Golf Club on Monday (September 16). 

The day is to raise money for the On Course Foundation charity, which helps rehabilitate injured veterans through golf. This is the 13th event and Gregg, who lost both legs to an IED in Afghanistan, was at the first one back in 2012 and several more over the years.

There will be 15 veterans at the event playing with teams from business friends of David Rasche, who has organised each year’s day and auctions. David, who was brought up just down the road from the golf club, now lives in Ilkley and is a member there, as well as at Skipton.

The 12 events so far have raised £300,000 and David is hopeful of a good result again this year as donations to the post-event auction have been very impressive. All the auction items can be seen at

Also there to support the veterans and players on the day will be David Llewellyn, who has coached many of 900 plus veterans that have been helped by the charity over 14 years. David was a successful tour player in his time and now coaches other professionals, as well as veterans. He has just been announced as the Captain of the PGA for 2026 - an honour given to very few.

For more information about the event contact Claire Bentley on 07903366394 or David Rasche on 07768107202