SKIPTON Town Council full meetings return  on Thursday (September 19) after a break for the summer.

The full meeting of the council, will discuss a variety of issues including updates from the area's North Yorkshire councillors and an update from the council's community safety working group.

There will also be the consideration of a request for support for a planned visit in July next year from the youth department of Erquinghem-Lys City Hall - Skipton's twin town in France.

Councillor Sheila Bentley will be presented with a mayor's medal to acknowledge her year in office as mayor of Skipton.

Councillors are also due to discuss in private session the future home of the town council. The council moved to accommodation in Otley Street, taking over the former Skipton centre of Yorkshire Cancer Research earlier this year, after the collapse of suspended ceilings at its offices in the town hall.

Members are also expected to discuss alternatives to returning to the town hall offices, which are owned by North Yorkshire Council and are due to be repaired, including buying a property.

Thursday's meeting will take place at 7pm at the North Yorkshire Council offices in Belle Vue Square, Skipton.