WORK on the replacement of old gas pipes in Skipton is expected to be completed towards the end of October.

Gas distributor Northern Gas Networks says the work involving Coach Street, is essential to ensure the 'continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the Skipton area'.

The work, which involves temporary traffic lights, got underway on September 9 and is due to last for around six weeks, but could take longer.

A spokesperson for Northern Gas Networks said: "The ageing main has undergone several recent emergency repairs, so has now been prioritised for urgent replacement.

"The ageing metal pipework is now being replaced by new, more durable plastic pipes, to ensure a safe and reliable supply of gas to customers now, while getting the network ready to transport alternative greener fuels in the future.

"The duration may be extended if difficulties in the mains configuration is identified once works start. It has been planned in collaboration with North Yorkshire Council."

The gas distributor says traffic management measures are place to protect the public and to make sure engineers can carry out the work safely and efficiently.

Work is taking place on Coach Street from the junction of Canal Street to Water Street. There will be a road closure on Coach Street outside the Old Bridge Cafe with traffic diverted onto Bridge Street.

Vehicle Management signs are in place, providing motorists with advanced notification.

While the majority of the work will be carried out in the street, engineers will need to access customer properties to complete the project and ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas.

Chris Green, business operations lead for Northern Gas Networks, said: “We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these essential works. However, it is vital we complete them in order to continue to maintain a safe and reliable gas supply to the residents of Skipton.

“We want to assure residents and road users that we will be working hard to complete this essential scheme as safely and as quickly as possible.”