A WOMAN who went out for a drive to clear her head following an argument was over the alcohol limit, heard Skipton Magistrates Court.

Sara Bailey was driving along West Road, Carleton in the early hours of July 29 when she swerved to avoid an oncoming car and overturned her vehicle, the court heard today (Friday).

She was taken to Airedale Hospital, Steeton, for treatment for injuries and where a blood test showed she had 145 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. The legal limit is 80.

Bailey, 48, who admitted drink driving, suffered two fractured ribs and cuts and bruises, the court was told.

Police responding to a report of a road traffic accident at 1.20am had arrived within five minutes and had found Bailey sitting at the side of the road and a white hatchback on its roof.

The court heard in mitigation that Bailey had argued with her husband and had gone out for a drive to park up somewhere and to clear her head.

Duty solicitor Keith Blackwell said another car had come towards Bailey with very strong headlights which had dazzled her. She had driven towards the side of the road, mounted a bank and her car had overturned.

A woman from a nearby farm had gone to her assistance and police and an ambulance had attended. The driver of the other vehicle had not stopped and Bailey's car had been a write off, said Mr Blackwell.

Bailey, a carer for her mother and self employed cleaner, was very ashamed about what she had done and would suffer at the loss of her licence said Mr Blackwell.

"It was a sad mistake. She has paid a hefty price and will continue to do so, said Mr Blackwell. Bailey, of Swan Street, Carleton, was banned from driving for 19 months and fined £120. She will also have to pay costs of £85 and a surcharge of £48. If she completes a drink drivers rehabilitation course, her ban will be reduced by 19 weeks.