THE expected opening of a cafe at Skipton's newest garden centre has had to be delayed after it was targeted by thieves.

The cafe -part of Bloom at The Craven Heifer in Grassington Road, was due to open last weekend, but had to be put on hold after thieves broke in overnight on Wednesday and Thursday, causing many thousands of pounds of damage.

In addition to clearing shelves of garden ornaments and tools, they also ripped out copper piping, which resulted in the cafe, inside the former pub, being flooded.

Owner, Skipton businessman, Andrew Tapsell, who bought the landmark pub from the trustees of the Tarn Moor Estate in the summer, said they arrived on Friday morning to discover the site had been broken into overnight.

"We were all ready to open the cafe on the Sunday and to find tools and goods stolen and all the vandalism was devastating and shocking," he said.

It has not been easy to repair the damage, the replacement of copper piping will cost between £4,000 and £5,000, says Mr Tapsell, on top of the theft of stock.

The garden centre and gift shop has not had to close and has had a good reception from customers added Mr Tapsell.

The cafe is now due to open on Thursday, October 3 at 10.30am.