CRAVEN Community Boxing Club is going from strength to strength following its latest move.

The club, formed by Mark Shaw 18 months ago with a view to getting youngsters off the streets, recently relocated to a larger complex and boxing specific premises on Cavendish Street, Skipton.

Community Campaigner and Independent Socialist Councillor for Skipton Town Council, Brian McDaid recently paid Shaw a visit and was wowed by what he saw.

He said: “It was great to meet Mark who showed me around the new Craven Community Boxing Club.

"With even more youth provisions being cut across our community, it is vital we support local clubs like this. This club will have my full support and also Skipton Town Council and I hope North Yorkshire Council, David Skaith and Julian Smith MP offer the same focus, as local people like Mark and other fantastic organisers who want the best for our community, deserve their full support too.”

Speaking to the Craven and Herald, Shaw admitted that the decision to push for a local community boxing club stemmed from a difficult period in his life.

He said: "In 2012 I sustained a serious rugby league injury. Following this I found myself at the despair of drink and drugs and for many years I was living a very unhealthy lifestyle.

"I turned to boxing four years ago and I have completely turned my life around. I am now nearly three years sober, I have lost a considerable amount of weight and my mental health is great."

He added: "I started teaching boxing 18 months ago in the hope of helping others. Having lost friends to addiction and suicide my aim was to prevent other families from having to go through this.

"Today I am the creator and director of Craven Community Boxing Club and MAS fitness, two thriving clubs helping to provide focus, structure and discipline, whilst also offering a safe and welcoming introduction to boxing.

"Our team of directors and trainers offer a variety of classes including boxing, strength and conditioning, functional strength and ladies only classes. We also offer PTS, and support to children as young as five right through to our oldest clients of 60+.

"Our aim is to increase our offerings to a wider audience. We believe boxing saves lives and provides the tools to live a healthy, positive, structured and happy life!"

At the new base on Cavendish Street, Skipton, Shaw has created two classes per week aimed at ages 15-21 years old with a view to years to try and target the local NEETS (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) groups.

Shaw further commented: "We believe we can provide structure, focus and discipline to give them the confidence to embark on education or work placements.

"I am currently running this as a FREE class while I build numbers and reputation, however, we would need to look at some sort of funding to cover the costs moving forwards.

"We would love to welcome and support as many youngsters as possible, and also anyone who wants to come down and get fit."

For further details and to speak to Mark Shaw himself (director and trainers), call 07516 699939.