FOUR lost and disoriented walkers had to be rescued descending Ingleborough in the dark.

A spokesperson for the Cave Rescue Organisation said: "A call was received at 8.45pm on Saturday (October 5) from North Yorkshire Police that a party of four walkers on the Three Peaks walk had become disorientated and lost.

"They had descended from Ingleborough the wrong way in the dark, despite being experienced and reasonably well equipped.

"We were able to locate them quickly using our Phone Find tools.

"A small party of team members soon found the walkers who were actually not too far from the Ribblehead to Ingleton road.

"They were escorted back to the team vehicle and returned to their accommodation."

In another incident which took place last Thursday (October 3), the Cave Rescue Organisation were alerted by North Yorkshire Police to a walker who was having difficulty descending from Whernside summit due to a painful knee injury.

Contact with the walker indicated she was descending the path towards Bruntscar slowly, assisted by a companion.

As it was cold and getting dark, CRO team members attended and helped the walker safely make the descent, where she was reunited with her party.