A PARAGLIDER pilot was rescued after suffering injuries on a landing at one of Yorkshire's Three Peaks.

The Cave Rescue Organisation was called at 4.38pm last Thursday (October 10) to the incident at Humphrey Bottom, Ingleborough.

A spokesperson for the Cave Rescue Organisation said: "A paraglider pilot, a 57-year-old man, was reported to have a bruised back and leg as well as being unable to walk off the hill, following a bad landing which included a fall from about five metres.

"Once having found him, team members assessed him, ‘packaged’ him in a vacuum mattress and brought him down to a team Land Rover on a stretcher.

"He was driven to the road-head and handed over to Yorkshire Ambulance Service paramedics.

"A CT scan showed that the flyer had sustained a hairline fracture of the pelvis, some internal bleeding and fractures to the transverse processes on the impact side of four lumbar vertebrae.

"We hope he’ll be ‘flying fit’ again, soon."