AN exhibition of drawings, prints and paintings by Dales based artist Brian Hindmarch will take place in November in Clapham at The Old Sawmill Cafe, Ingleborough Cave.

Brian's last exhibition was a year ago; this time, he will be showing a range of landscapes and studies including paintings, oil pastel, watercolours, screenprints, etchings, drypoints and monotypes.

The 'Winter North' exhibition features landscapes of the Dales, as well as in Scotland and France.

It is an exhibition with works for sale. The prints are ‘original’ artist proofs and some as part of limited editions.

The works are a recollection of places remembered, and places as they appear at first view, says the artist.

The exhibition, in the Reginald Farrer Room, will take place from Saturday November 16 until until Sunday, November 24, 11am to 4pm every day.

Find out more, and all the events taking place at Ingleborough Cave, including Santa's Grotto, at: